Delayed API Status
Hello. Since yesterday I have a delayed API on my BF Explorer trading software. I had no bots running when this happened and now I am also unable to trade as all stakes in the markets keep flashing all over the ladders on random odds, being absolutely impossible to figure out what was the last price ...
9.5.2020 16:19:41
Free Trial Review
I tried BFexplorer, having used 3-4 different software applications beforehand.
The 2 days utilising the software, I managed to get a feel for the product and like the modern display on the black background.
Bets placed were very responsive with no lagging experienced from other products.
A few ...
25.3.2015 17:55:00
Bfexplorer Latest Release
Version 3.23.1126
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 9.0)
Version 3.22.0821
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version
Version 3.10.0721
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 8.0)
Version 3.9.0425
Cumulative ...
26.11.2024 10:54:45
Betfair Bot
Well, hardly to say because his specification is very vague.
I took my explanation because such kind of bot execution reentry can be implemented only by Bot Trigger, so it would be nice example for bot developers.
I think that ruipedrosilvasousa wants run 1 bot twice.
Same open criteria, same close criteria...
Easy solution for this case:
1) create "Place Bet and Close Selection Bet Position" bot - with parametres what you want - names for example: MyBotUO25
2) create "Chain execution" bot and to the parameter "Bot Names" write: MyBotUO25;MyBotUO25
3) Run "Chain execution" bot
After the first bot ended second bot will start...
Betfair Bot
Please, I would like to ask you a favor. If you write your article text or comment in Word, or Microsoft Office Word, just to check misspellings, then do not copy text directly, but paste it first to Notepad, and then copy text from Notepad to avoid importing style formatting from Word. I will fix this web editor problem when having more spare time.
Back to your trading bot, it would be fine if you use official names for bfexplorer bots, then I will be more certain what you actually want to implement.
I assume you use, Place bet and close bet position bot, in your trading, right?
You set the bot to open bet position by backing and when required profit is reached the bot close the bet position by hedging. You run your bot, at 1.8 price/odds on a selection, and what you want is to check if the same selection is traded at set price, for instance 1.9, and if that is true, you want again start your trading bot execution, on the same selection.
If my summary for your bot trigger is right, then what bot trigger will take two parameters: StartOdds, and RestartOdds.
Execute Trigger Bot will take BotName as the action bot that will be executed (your trading bot).
Betfair Bot
Eduardo, I asked one Slovak user to test this bot and he reports similar problems. It is busy trading weekend but whoever sends me Teamviewer access to his computer will help to solve this issue. On my computer all works fine so I need more information.
Betfair Bot
Edurardo, it does not make sense to run bots separately because the main point of this bot strategy is that bot trigger checks the profit on 0 – 0 and depending on this value calculates the amount it lays on draw.
If you say you will run bots separately then you actually did not understand about what is the bot using, it is about automating operations you would otherwise do manually.
I checked the bot on my release version of bfexplorer and all works on my side. Actually you already sent me before emails showing different screenshots where bot had been executed without any error message, it means that compilation service works fine, and this can be confirmed by fact that you already executed successfully Bfexplorer Console scripts. Bfexplorer Console tool uses the same script processing as the Execute Bot Trigger bot.
Your previous faults of using this bot trigger (BackCorrectScore00LayDrawTrigger.fs) were because you did not create action bots: Back Correct Score 0 – 0, and Lay Draw. Your bot trigger had been successfully executed, what I could see on your email screenshots, but did not do anything, because had no actions bots to execute.
Now, I would say you tried to change something in the bot trigger source code, and you simply introduced some error to the code, this could be investigated as well, because when bot trigger is compiled and some error occurs the error message is displayed in Output view.
I would say you have got very specific talent of yours…
Stefan, the trigger still fails. Do not worry, be a fault with my computer.
Delete the trigger and use bots separately.
End of story.
I really appreciate your interest because all users learn to use your software. You're a good guy.
For my part I say I use your app well, thanks to all your videos and articles.
In the picture you can see a bet Lay X + CS 0-0, I found, with your search of odds.
In addition, a few days ago I bought a higher-resolution monitor, 1920.
Now we just need strategies work and we all win money.
Thanks friend for you help
In Spain we say that common sense is the least common of the senses
Betfair Bot
Common sense
Common sense is a basic ability to perceive, understand, and judge things, which is shared by ("common to") nearly all people, and can be reasonably expected of nearly all people without any need for debate.
Thank Mir. I missed you in the forum.
I know open a script. But I think that the scrip is damaged.
1) Unpack BackCorrectScore00LayDrawTrigger.zip with default context menu in Windows (right mouse button)
2) Copy unpacked .fs file to your bot trigger directory
3) Re-link .fs file in your Execute Trigger Bot. Use three dot shortcut (...)
I used all my senses, including common sense and sense of humor, but the scrip is not working. It is not a problem of the path, because I can find the path. I think the script is damaged.
I followed step by step the indications of the video.
Betfair Bot
And if you are not able to set the file path name of bot trigger file by typing, then watch video in this article to learn how to browse bot trigger file by clicking on file open dialog button:
http://bfexplorer.net/Community/BlogContent/111#Place Bet/Execute Bot on All Selections
Betfair Bot
Did you actually watch at least first minutes on my video and read the article? The video shows what you have to do.
Well done!! Stefan
Sorry, the above links do not work
This bot does not work in my PC.
I guess the problem is the path to the script.
I think this script already it works.
Tomorrow I will try layDrawBack0-0
You can say too: sorry, this feature is not yet supported by my product.
Why you do not write it?
Every other piece of Betfair software is for a specific user. For example trading In-play horse racing in Bfexplorer is almost impossible now (my experience)
You want compare Bet Angel - Geeks Toy - MarketFeeder Pro - Bfexplorer?It is better compare incomparable for you?
It is crazy!
All what you made is usefull. It is your project, your business. Any feature from community appreciates your software - any custom script you can sell to others users.
...and you are not right. This is not the end of this story. This story will continued, because this story is about you!
Betfair Bot
I see I forgot to change path to referenced assemblies. It was set to my development environment. I have just fixed it. You can re-download your scripts.
If by any chance your bfexplorer installation is in different folder, then you must change path in your scripts yourself. The default bfexplorer app folder on 64 bit OS is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\BeloSoft\Bfexplorer
On your pictures you can actually read what error was generated when compiling your scripts after you clicked on the Start button.