
  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 18:58:51



    I see My Bet Position:

    Profit History is awesome! Not for ending results, but for ongoing results! Trader can view how is consistent "at work".

    How to complex visualize data, charts? Any idea?

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 18:38:08


    1) indicators: For me (in this function) is not usefull. There is confusing situation. Weight money totally destroyed the view on the greyhound market.

    2) Better is when a part of column is under-colored and I see where is the edge of trading. Especially usefull for In-play trading with huge GAPs

  • Betfair Bot
    19.7.2015 18:18:32

    I will prepare series of articles describing how to use this bot.


    When you have a look at on other betfair API apps which support automation or trigger betting/trading, then such apps either offer limited number of trigger values you can use or are specialized in some kind of trigger betting.

    You are on betfair a couple years now, we started at the same time, and you know that there never quite a lot of features you could use, therefore I still support betfair bot programming (Bfexplorer BOT SDK), but with trigger bot I added bot orchestrations, because sometimes you just need to setup action bot with different parameters, or you just need additional triggers.

    This bot should solve what you asked in your article: Settings of many bots.

    It is still programming, but scripting language used for trigger programming should be more readable for a common user, not a programmer.


    I will try to create a lot of examples, so in some cases you should be able to use such triggers just by copying some parts of them and create your new one.

    I will explain this trigger on simple betting strategy like Back correct score 0 – 0 and lay draw, on your example of how to setup many bots, or for Eric horse racing strategy.

    If you have got some strategies then let me know, or the one used generally on betfair, maybe not profitable but if a good examples for some trigger programming then just post the idea on bfexplorer forum.

    Behind any betfair strategy is a well, a data recording and analyzing, so I want to add some tools for such operations as well.

  • Betfair Bot
    19.7.2015 17:53:05

    I will investigate this issue, maybe it is just rounding problem.

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 17:18:47

    Hi bige95334,

    I don't know what do you do on Betfair markets, but I must be stupid unemotional trader for make a profit. Long term profit.
    See graphs where is opportunity, where is chance to make a profit and repeat it...Easy
    Trading is not about horses, SP, the losing sequences, book form etc. it is about others traders!

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 14:54:09

    BTW: in my copy of BFE Profit showing not consistent values

    Profit calc

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 14:28:24

    Profit shows actual profit at current Odds. It is OK. This is usually feature on the software market.

    But Projected profit can show profit "WHAT IF (placed) BET MATCHED"
    In my case: If 10 Euro matched at 11 ... can not be profit 5.80 at 12! Profit will be only 5,04

    Do you understand?

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 2:33:04



    2) What about customs columns?
    I would be happy if you could make...

    sample: New trading grid

  • Mir.
    19.7.2015 2:27:01

    Hi, this is my idea.
    Trading Ladder with ability execute many predefined bots easily.
    How working "click on the cell" in column Profit if the open bet is matched? Same case...

    If I click on column: Lay and row: 3,20 i will execute the bot named "Lay Back €23,2 ticks"...

    If it is big problem with columns Lay, Back etc. you can create the new one; Bot Exec


    uploaded image

    My New Trading Ladder - screenshot

  • Betfair Bot
    18.7.2015 17:07:29

    The video in my article just demonstrates how to use the bot: Execute Till Target Profit. When testing this bot on greyhounds markets I had luck that both lay bets were winning bets.

    This bot checks profit from running strategy and when set profit is reached it stops/blocks further execution of an action bot.

    It means you can use this bot in any strategy where you start further execution only after previous result is known, and stop your strategy after set profit is reached.

    If you want to automate your strategy then first you load markets on which you want to run your strategy to Event Browser. In the Event Browser you can filter only desired markets, and then open the execution of your strategy on all or only on selected markets to Bot Executor.

    The Bot Executor is then responsible to open a market at set time and execute your strategy on the market. Bot Executors keeps market data monitoring till running bot/s finish/es execution.

    I already explained when you should use Bot Executor to run your strategies in this article: Selections Horse Racing

    Of course when testing you can run your strategy manually as I did in my video.

    Yes, you can use a horse form in your trigger bot. I did not yet show how to create and use Execute Trigger Bot, but all is ready in the latest version of bfexplorer 1.6.5676.

    You can use Bfexplorer Console tool to browse market data, read this article: Console

    And test the code to show horses form.

    If you post in a general description of your strategy (use parameter names), then I prepare a trigger bot and show you how to use it.

  • Betfair Bot
    14.7.2015 13:04:30

    Please watch all main product feature videos:


  • Mir.
    14.7.2015 12:10:07

    I see some potential in spreadsheet dashboards too. For long time strategies, absolutely!

    But I want use ladder+bots+one click bot executing on "high speed" trading (3-4 ticks or up to 2 minutes trades). I'm working on visualizing how I would want to trade on the ladder...

  • Betfair Bot
    14.7.2015 10:59:30

    Actually this spreadsheet ladder allows one click bot execution. You can type a bot name to every row on one or the other side of ladder.

    As I said I see some potential in spreadsheet dashboards, for instance in tennis trading you could prepare different execution plans for different match scenarios.

  • Mir.
    13.7.2015 22:34:50

    OK. Thanks for demonstration what is possible in the Bfexplorer.


    I show you what I want, exactly, My New Trading Grid (Ladder), one click execution bots, ... and we can talk about bespoke solution...

  • Mir.
    13.7.2015 20:01:55

    Sorry, I have a problem with sharing files, images, ...

    There is screenshot (about which I wrote)

  • Betfair Bot
    13.7.2015 18:16:56

    I would like to ask to make a short video showing a problem you describe.


    You are Czech, so are able to read the email from other Slovak user who notice some problems I was not able to reproduce:

  To Test Betfair Bot?


    In your case I cannot see a problem why bfexplorer should show different profit balance on an open bet position when bet was placed on odds you described.

  • Betfair Bot
    13.7.2015 18:03:34

    Your ladder can be built in simplified version using custom built bot and built-in bfexplorer spreadsheet.


    In this bot I implemented bot execution similar to the one you can use in bfexplorer ladder context menu, when declaring the bot category name: My Ladder Bot.

    In this case you can define/name your bots you want to execute from spreadsheet in columns B or E, when clicking on a cell with a bot name in the spreadsheet your bot is executed with changed BetType parameter of the bot depending on which column the bot name is, so B column sets Back, and E column sets Lay bet type for executed bot, if this bot supports BetType parameter, of course.

    You can see that I declared general trading bot (Trade 3 ticks) to be executed from the spreadsheet. For now I cannot see any value in your approach, but I find it interesting to include such bot in Bfexplorer BOT SDK, as a sample for using Bfexplorer Spreadsheet and custom built bot.

    I can see some advantage of using Bfexplorer Spreadsheet for building custom dashboards for some betting or trading solutions on more associated markets, or in any dashboard solution.

    For a common user what is offered in the card view of Open Markets view, is really enough to managing bet position on a lot of open markets.

    Bfexplorer spreadsheet can be used as well for data visualization, so it has some advantage for users who are familiar with bot programming.

    I build bespoke solutions for betfair, so your ladder with selected price ranges can be built, but that is a question of your budget you are willing to pay for development of custom built software for betfair.

  • Betfair Bot
    7.7.2015 13:02:03

    I made a video showing how you can use bfexplorer to execute your betting or trading strategy on selected market selections.

    Bfexplorer is able to monitor a lot of markets concurrently, and run bots on such markets as well. Manually opening a lot of markets and executing bots on them make sense only if your betting/trading strategy involves market price monitoring for long period of time before bet placement is actually triggered.

    If your strategy needs to execute a triggered bet placement just couple seconds before horse racing start, then you should use Bot Executor tool, and if you manually select your market selections then you should use Bot Executor for Selections tool.

    Both tools start market monitoring automatically at time you set, and continue market monitoring till action bot is active on the market.

    In my video I used OLBG web site to bet or trade on free tips offered by users of this web site. You can see that opening markets using bfexplorer Bet Event Browser is not as complicated as you could assume. You open Upcoming events and filter by event type, in my case Soccer, and/or Horse racing. Then you can use searching capabilities of bfexplorer to find desired market, or selection.

    On my video can be seen that searching capabilities are supported by all grid views, I searched for preconfigured bots in My Bots view as well.

    Bot Executor for Selections tool uses Bet Event or Market Selections view to add your market selections. You select your market selection and add it to Bot Executor for Selections by clicking on context menu (right click mouse button) Add Market Selection to Bot Executor.

    After adding your sections to this tool you can assign an action bot you want to execute on these market selections. The tool uses My Bots preconfigured bots, so you can execute different betting or trading strategies on these selections. In my video I set to back one selection, and lay two other selections, on the one market selection I set to execute back trading bot to close position hedging for 3 ticks profit.

    All bfexplore bot are configurable using a lot of parameters. For now there is only one bot supporting target triggered continuation of betting or trading on more markets: Execute Till Target Profit.

    On the other hand bfexplorer offers Bfexplorer BOT SDK so if you are familiar with programming you can create your own custom bot to executed different methods of market selection or staking plan execution.

    It is almost impossible to create a universal solution for market selection, bet triggering and staking plan execution, just by constructing bots with preset parameters.

    As I said those familiar with programming can use Bfexplorer BOT SDK to program anything, for the rest I will try to make some kind of scripting bot.

  • thesaint
    3.7.2015 17:01:10

    Can I change the topic name? I feel it's not appropriate, as the error was on my part.


  • thesaint
    3.7.2015 17:00:26

    Yes, you are very right! It appeared I only had my window hidden! Thank you evry much!