
  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    13.9.2015 21:50:12

    Thank you for the quick help. :D


    Soon I will have more questions about suspension market, but will open another article

  • Mir.
    13.9.2015 21:41:21

    Yes, Stefan right.

    If the "repeated" bot is the same...  "Repeat until" bot is better in this case.




    On the screen: bot "MyBotUO25" repeated 4 times

  • Mir.
    13.9.2015 21:27:13

    Like this:



    Chain execution bot:




    Try it in Practice Mode!


    Profit is 10 ticks - (from 1,50 to 1,60)

    Loss is 20 ticks - (from 1,50 to 1,30)


    You can select concrete Selection, Stake, ... etc.

  • Betfair Bot
    13.9.2015 21:21:53

    Repeat Until bot is better solution, it was actually developed to execute such bot strategy. Read again: Repeat Until, the until parameter is either reached profit or total stake placed, or number of iterations, that is what you need.

    I have just realesed the latest version of bfexplorer adding save bots or open bots to My Bots view, so you will be able to share your bot settings.

  • Mir.
    13.9.2015 20:59:44

    If you want to use very easy screen capture with direct upload to youtube you can use for example:

  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    13.9.2015 20:54:37

    Thank you Mir :)

  • Mir.
    13.9.2015 20:16:14


    yes, for you is the best solution with Chain execution bot.


    1) create "Place Bet and Close Selection Bet Position" bot - with parametres what you want (OpenBet 1.50 Lay | close profit 1.60 or close loss 1.30) - names for example: MyBotUO25
    2) create "Chain execution" bot and to the parameter "Bot Names" write: MyBotUO25;MyBotUO25;MyBotUO25 (how many times, how you want)
    3) Run "Chain execution" bot

    After the first bot ended second bot will start...

  • Edumadrid
    13.9.2015 13:45:16

    Another thing: What are the implications, your new upgrade?

    Thanks in advance

  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    13.9.2015 13:41:02

    Bot: Place Bet and close selection bet position Open 1.50 Lay | close profit 1.60 or close loss 1.30


    Start Bot!  


    automatic Close bot (with profit or not), 

    Start Bot Again same position Open 1.50 Lay | close profit 1.60 or close loss 1.30

    automatic Close bot (with profit or not), 

    Start Bot Again same position Open 1.50 Lay | close profit 1.60 or close loss 1.30


    basically when you know that closed the previous bot it reopens with the same parameters of logs

    the chain execution as could do this?

  • Edumadrid
    13.9.2015 13:35:13

    I can not be offended by your speculation on the reasons for the failures. I know you just try to find a convincing explanation. Also, with your patience, already you have earned heaven.

    If you want you can come into my PC, I have no problem.

    Two more things:

    what screen resolution do you use? More 2K?

    What program you use to make your videos? I would like to make a video

  • Betfair Bot
    13.9.2015 12:42:27

    Rui, I need exact scenario of the bot usage. If entry points are important then name them, as well as conditions you require for repeated execution of your trading bot.

    I summarized your scenario in my first reply and asked you to reply on my questions, asking if I understood your requirements correctly or not. You did not reply on my questions.

    Bfexplorer offers quite a lot of bots, so your trading solution can be implemented by many ways.
    If you set allowed range of prices for your trading bot, then one of the solutions is to use Repeat Until, the other one could use: Chain Execution. More complicated solution is to use custom built bot trigger.

    The latest version of bfexplorer offer editors for BotName and BotNames parameters, so if anyone thought before that setting up a bot is difficult, because you need to copy and paste bot names, or just type them correctly, then now you can setup any bot with ease.

  • Betfair Bot
    13.9.2015 12:26:46

    Eduardo, I am software developer and I solve problems by analyzing them and if the cause of problem is found, then I fix it by changing the application code.

    To analyze problems you must name them first, or to model all possible scenarios of the application usage, because in some cases a problem is not the application code but data entries or misuse of base application features.

    Well, of course if an application/program has a good design then it should process any data entries correctly.

    In this case, bfexplorer nor crashed or behaved unexpectedly. It correctly processed entered data, in this case bot trigger, and it reported problem: Failed to create the bot trigger...

    I tried to analyze problems by naming them, and as always you feel offended. Eduardo, Miro, and others, I am not your enemy. I just try not to waste anyone time, and to solve problems I need more information.

    You can see that Miro was able to execute this bot trigger without problems, like I did it myself, and I test any code or bot I release for public use.

    Slovak user I asked to test this bot script just reported that it does not work, sending me similar screenshot like you posted here on the forum.


    Well, that could only mean that he may replicated wrong data entries, but that is still not enough information for me to fix this issue. I have to see it myself, to analyze and understand the problem. Therefore I asked for teamviewer session, or for video showing what you do when setting up this bot trigger.

  • Mir.
    13.9.2015 0:33:40

    All football betting (trading) is not my cup of coffee.

    I do not see long-term opportunities...


    But there is more and more training bots, I can try some tests.



    I'm sure it will be on one market or two that will be synchronized trading. It is the only speculation, because charges can not to avoid.

  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    13.9.2015 0:04:46

    The objective is that when the bot closes (with profit or not), 

    he would start again in the market panel bot. 


    if (bot1.close ==true)

        run bot 1 ;

    if (bot2.close ==true)

        run bot 2;


    I'm sorry but I don't the bfexplorer api.

  • Edumadrid
    13.9.2015 0:02:02

    Hi friends:

    Stefan, I am glad that your Slovak user has the same problem as me. Because your judgments about my ability were too negative.

    I know what a script, I can make changes on the console, I know well the meaning of bot trigger ... But when something goes wrong you doubt my ability, which I deeply regret.

    I do not blame you. Spend a lot of effort to help and you're frustrated that we do not level.

    Stefan really thank you very much for your support and patience.

    Mir. Thank you very much for your test. You are very necessary in the forum, so you leave a little freer to Stefan.

    I believed understand, you do not go much football betting or just the Lay Draw?

  • Mir.
    12.9.2015 23:22:12

    You need a condition:

    if the Bot* made Profit then Run Again

      else Stop the Bot




    *) Place Bet and Close Selection Bet Position


  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    12.9.2015 23:13:04

        my idea is that with the bot:

    bot 1: Place Bet and close selecition bet position lay odds 1.80 1.90 close



    if bot1 close == true {

        Place Bet and close selecition bet position lay odds 1.80 1.90 close}

      // Run bot 1 again

    I know sorry does not work the base language of the bot    



  • ruipedrosilvasousa
    12.9.2015 22:53:14

    Thanks for the quick response

    two parameters: StartOdds, and RestartOdds, how do you set these parameters? 

  • Mir.
    12.9.2015 22:07:21

    Hi guys,

    This is not my cup of coffe but I am fine...


    PS: I run this bots in In-play mode. I must change parameter "AllowPlacingBetInPlay" to True.







    Porto scored before I send a post...


  • Mir.
    12.9.2015 20:48:50

    Yes, I see.

    "Chain execution" bot is better to use for chaining others bot, with many different type of setting but for this case is it easy solution.


    If he must manage his bets (for example with some staking plan) some developers must create custom script for him.