Delayed API Status
Hello. Since yesterday I have a delayed API on my BF Explorer trading software. I had no bots running when this happened and now I am also unable to trade as all stakes in the markets keep flashing all over the ladders on random odds, being absolutely impossible to figure out what was the last price ...
9.5.2020 16:19:41
Free Trial Review
I tried BFexplorer, having used 3-4 different software applications beforehand.
The 2 days utilising the software, I managed to get a feel for the product and like the modern display on the black background.
Bets placed were very responsive with no lagging experienced from other products.
A few ...
25.3.2015 17:55:00
Bfexplorer Latest Release
Version 3.23.1126
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 9.0)
Version 3.22.0821
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version
Version 3.10.0721
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 8.0)
Version 3.9.0425
Cumulative ...
26.11.2024 10:54:45
Stefan in reply to your comments.
1)Yes i am able, and have downloaded scripts onto my computer.This is the first scripting sample i have seen so would not be able to go beyond copying and pasting.
2)Have watched the videos a couple of times but am unable to take in the detail straight off so will need to revisit still more.
3)No 4)No
I do not support any spreadsheet reporting for bot solution...i have looked at betting from excel several times but have not used it to place bets nor do i envisge doing so.
I am only interested in continuing my betting in the following way.
open software.navigate to my bot. open bot, set or change parameters in interface,click to start, and let it do it's job.go through the card in time order,find my selection via sorting of the horses form figures,place the bets, after losing bets apply staking plan using methd similar to the one you have shown on your video. limit loss recovery to only 3 attempts then return to defoult.
At this time i cannot see a way for me to do this from, Bfexplorer.....but for me to even comtemplate doing this is not possible. Although i have been using computers since they were available. i have in the main only used Excel spreadsheets to put together detail to simulate betting methods. this i can do, but am not able to implement my details into a working bot.
I have a spreadsheet based on 400 actual bets made earlier this year.showing my strategy
I am contiuing to spend time with Bfexplorer to gain a better insight into it's working. It is a very sophisticated trading and betting interface,it will take some time as a lay person to assimulate and utilise it's many features.
Market Bots:
Stop, Stop All - bot stop but its stakes not cancel
How can I select column for executing my bots? (in Bet Event Trader)
Now I must select a Selection in Market Selection... and after this I can execute a bot from My Bots
Nice, thans.
I do not think it works well, next shortcuts:
B – Set the stake down.
M – Set the stake up.
Betfair Bot
I have just released updated version adding this shortcut to Bet Event Trader.
Bet Event Trader
Can you add SORT button (Sort Ascending LTP + center Ladders) with keyboard shortcut (space)?
Betfair Bot
In this case the time is not represented by TimeSpan value which correct text representation is in the form you typed: 1:25:00 (hours:minutes:seconds), but just an integer value, like you can see 84 minutes. So in the filter type: 85
Filter editor - Score AND Time Is greater than 01:25:00 shows matches with 19 or 59 minutes
Betfair Bot
Eric, in last days I published 4 articles with videos, showing how to create a simple bot trigger and in two articles (videos) I showed how to use Bot Trigger. So you say:
1) You are not able to copy one of bot scripts to your computer.
2) Setup Execute Trigger Bot, what means entering two parameters: TriggerFilePathname and BotName
3) You are not able to start this bot on selected market, just for testing.
4) And you are not definitely able to use Bot Executor, or Bot Executor for Selections tool to execute your strategy on many markets automatically.
On the other hand you still prefer some kind of Spreadsheet reporting bot solution. From years I develop bespoke solutions for betfair, people tend to name a software, an application, a program just a bot.
May I ask you which betfair application you use, the bot which interacts with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and do your betting for now? If you prefer only Spreadsheet type of bot operation, that I think you should use spend some time to learn Visual Basic for Automation because I do not think you will manage to run your automated bot solution without it. I think there are 2 or 3 betfair applications offering spreadsheet bet triggering, like Bet Angel, Gruss Betting Assistant or Cymatic.
I never wasted my time with Excel Spreadsheet betting as I prefer my own bot programming, but others on this forum may have some experiences with use of the above mentioned “bots”.
I did not make myself clear...Ihave a separate bot running on betfair with the intention that when a losing lay bet came along this bot would output the losing laybet details in to a spresdsheet from which i could trigger off a recovery bet.
I haven't actually got the spreadsheet side working so was trying to find a way around getting some of my losses back.This is just a way i thought may be workable
I have very little coding experiance and would find it almost impossible to set up Bfexplorer to do what i want to do in the way you describe
thumbs up!
Nice to see how to easy start own solutions
Betfair Bot
I am sorry Eric, but I still do not understand.
How other betfair apps work with Excel? I believe that betfair app populates Excel worksheet, so every selected market is populated on different Sheet (Page). Excel just presents betfair market data.
Triggers are constructed on sheet cell values, and any action (bet placing) is again triggered by exact value in certain cells, right?
You said that you use Excel worksheet and your bot to bet on your selections throughout a day, so you must link all betfair markets to Excel worksheet and then setup triggers for selected horses. All that must be quite a lot of work.
You use some staking plan, so to execute such staking plan on Excel worksheet you must create a program some VBA code because I cannot believe that you are able to do so just by setting some formulas in cells, like you do in setting up your selections triggers, am I right?
So you have got some knowledge about programming, my question is then, why do not you use Bfexplorer Bot Trigger to program your staking plan? If you manage to do so then you can create your action bot, simply by setting parameters for Place Bet bot, name such bot setting and use this bot name within Execute Trigger Bot and your Staking plan trigger.
Having such bot setup you can use Bot Executor, or in your case Bot Executor for Selections, to execute your betting strategy with defined staking plan on selected horses.
Stefan...in answer to your question.I have a bot laying my selections..but with no loss recovery built into the bot .From 400 races there were about 70 losing lay bets as a conseqeuence the losses eroded the lay winnings.Have put my 400 results into a spreadsheet and have seen a way to reduce my number of bets and most of the losses.
Running the lay bot in simulation and posting the lay bot losing bets to the spread sheet and at that time then trigger off aa higher stakes lay bet. Using this would reduce my overall bets to around 80 and obtain around 60 lay bet wins at first attempt and almost all of the remaining 12 or so bets at the second attempt.
I know this is what is termed as back fitting and probably would not easily work. It used to be easy when i was using the earlier Bfexplorer bots . Perhaps it is time for me to have a go trading...but i havn't a clue where and in what markets i should use
Betfair Bot
Eric, could you be more specific in what way spreadsheet will help to make a trigger betting on a race depending on a previous horse results?
I cannot imagine the way the spreadsheet would load all previous horse results and help you to trigger a bet depending on those results.
Hello Mir,
My quest article has given me a reply in the way that i was hoping for.
I havn't as yet got into trading on any way.....but it appears that you are a trader?
How about posting a simple way for me to get started?
I realise that my betting methods are way out of date. and am looking for some assistance
Betfair Bot
In some case betfair takes activation just couple seconds, sometimes you need to wait minutes.
Activation is OK!
Cancel bet At In-Play... doesn't work.
Practice mode, Horse racing GB win markets, bets placed through Bet Event Trader...
Some problems with activation... I think it is on Betfair side
Reversed ladder:
Because people have natural habit to put bet (Offers) between other bets. Simple.
Technically is the same - for bots, not for people.