
Bot Execute Till Target Profit


I have watched with interest the video for this bot. Can this bot be set to go through all race cards on daily back or lay certain favourites?

Is there any way to incorporate form figures to assist a selection.

It looked so easy to profit on the greyhound example can it be set to run on consecutive races, or just one at a time?

Comments ( 1 )

  • Betfair Bot
    18.7.2015 17:07:29

    The video in my article just demonstrates how to use the bot: Execute Till Target Profit. When testing this bot on greyhounds markets I had luck that both lay bets were winning bets.

    This bot checks profit from running strategy and when set profit is reached it stops/blocks further execution of an action bot.

    It means you can use this bot in any strategy where you start further execution only after previous result is known, and stop your strategy after set profit is reached.

    If you want to automate your strategy then first you load markets on which you want to run your strategy to Event Browser. In the Event Browser you can filter only desired markets, and then open the execution of your strategy on all or only on selected markets to Bot Executor.

    The Bot Executor is then responsible to open a market at set time and execute your strategy on the market. Bot Executors keeps market data monitoring till running bot/s finish/es execution.

    I already explained when you should use Bot Executor to run your strategies in this article: Selections Horse Racing

    Of course when testing you can run your strategy manually as I did in my video.

    Yes, you can use a horse form in your trigger bot. I did not yet show how to create and use Execute Trigger Bot, but all is ready in the latest version of bfexplorer 1.6.5676.

    You can use Bfexplorer Console tool to browse market data, read this article: Console

    And test the code to show horses form.

    If you post in a general description of your strategy (use parameter names), then I prepare a trigger bot and show you how to use it.