User Comments

  • Betfair Bot
    17.8.2018 10:38:02

    Mir, no one likes parasites. Your betfair account is not closed but is switched to delay mode, what is basically useless for your automated betting/trading, but if it is true what you say, then you can simply place your bets manually to proof that you make fees/commission for betfair.

    Later you can write them again asking to switch your api status to the normal one.

    I repeated it many times when you were my subscriber to use common sense in whatever you do on betfair.

    Unfortunately, other betfair vendors, with lack of features in their software promote such parasite behavior on betfair api data usage. Have a look at here on market feeder forum:

    Bet for another two goals

    User asked for simple football strategy, and what was advice? Well monitor all under/over markets of a football match just to place at 90 minute of the match on corresponding Over selection, depending on the current match score a back bet when odds are >= 150.

    Using bfexplorer bots, you need to monitor match odds market only, starting from reasonable time, so football bot would be able to monitor match time and score, and at 90 minute of the match the football bot will execute trigger which would find out Under/Over market to open and place a bet on.

    When using Bot Executor tool, market data are monitored only for markets on which bots are still running, so when football bot triggers its action bot it finishes its execution, so market monitoring is stopped for match odds market as well.



  • Betfair Bot
    16.8.2018 16:55:31

    Mir, you do not understand it. It is not about your betting or trading activity, or better to say how much money you earn from this activity.

    It is about misuse of betfair api data. So if your paid fees on won bets are bigger than amount of data you get from betfair api, as betfair can simply count how much your activity costs them:

    your fees minus cost of betfair resources you took, if that is positive value, you are profitable for betfair, if minus then you are not, you are commercial user who utilize betfair data for his own profit only.

  • Betfair Bot
    16.8.2018 10:12:07

    Mir, you have no subscription with bfexplorer, your api access expired 31.8.2017 21:20:52, so I do not understand why are you spaming this forum?

    Betfair closes accounts with no money, or no betting activity on accounts. Betfair api access is restricted to delay api data for accounts with no betting activity in last 3 months, or for accounts as mentioned in your post, where data usage pattern shows similarity of commercial user who just take data from betfair without any betting on these markets.

    I think betfair closed developers and apps site due to this misuse of their api by Indy guppies.

  • Betfair Bot
    5.8.2018 17:34:24

    What you see on the video is not bot script, but as said: “…This simple betfair bot shows possibilities you have got when utilizing Bfexplorer BOT SDK …”

    I created simplified version of the bot as the bot trigger script, only favourite changes are reported, bot trigger script does not load betfair SP prices:


  • Betfair Bot
    27.7.2018 11:31:53

    Betfair owns your api access, so you must fulfill their T&C for accessing betfair data trough api.

    Did you check my free web app to learn whether api data are available for your account?

    From which country are you from? Is betfair legal in your country? If not but you still can have betfair account, I mean if betfair did not close your account, then your ISP may block access to betfair servers.

    Bfexplorer app uses two types of api access for market data, rest api, and streaming api, did you check both types of api access to learn if there are some differences?

    Software cannot stop working suddenly, it cannot broke like that so it means that problems are really or your side. No other subscriber reported such problems.

    If you are able to run some kind of remote access app, like teamviewer or similar app then email me access information, and I will check your problems on your computer.

  • Betfair Bot
    25.7.2018 10:53:58

    It is called trigger bot script, as it triggers some action, mainly bet placing or action bot execution.

    In “Bots to Execute” view, click on Add button, the “Add a new order/bot” dialog appears. Focus to Search input box, and type there: trigger.

    Select bot named: “Execute Trigger Bot”, well yes as the bot name suggests it is the bot which executes your trigger script files, or assemblies.

    Focus to TriggerFilePathName parameter input box, on the right side of the input box appears “…” button, click on and Open dialog appears. By default there is set bot trigger assembly file filter: “Bo trigger assemblies (*.dll)”, changing it to: “Script files (*fs; *.fsx)” and select you bot trigger file, click on Open button.

    If required, enter another bot trigger parameters through TriggerParameters input, name your “Execute Trigger Bot” settings and click on Save button.

    Now you are ready to execute your bot settings on selected markets, or using the bot in tools: “Bot Executor” or “Bot Executor for Selection”.

    What is a difference in bot script file, and bot assembly file?

    The bot script is source code of your bot trigger, the bot assembly is complied version of your bot trigger. When bot script is used, bfexplorer first compile the script and then loads bot assembly to execute it, therefore first bot script execution takes more time, when using bot assembly, the bot execution is instant.

    Why there are those two options?

    The script file is used when you test you bot trigger, when you develop it using Bfexplorer Bot SDK. When you are finished with trigger development, and bot trigger works, so it is profitable you can build its compiled version, and maybe distribute to your friends, or sell to other people.

  • Betfair Bot
    16.7.2018 9:54:22

    Betfair disables live betfair api access for accounts having no money on, placing no bets or breaking their T&C.

  • Betfair Bot
    15.7.2018 20:56:22

    Yes, you have got professional subscription, so it means something went wrong when authorizing your subscription status.

    Close bfexplorer and re-login again, let me know if you have got still wrong subscription status.

    Check your antivirus software. Maybe requests to my authorization server are blocked.

  • Betfair Bot
    11.7.2018 11:39:53

    It is Boolean algebra, and you can use any combination of parameters you like.

    From your example: MatchTime>45 And ScoreDifference>1

    Let’s say that the match time is 30 and score is 0 – 0, then from Boolean algebra you have got False and False what is equal to False, that means your trigger will not be fired.

    Let’s say that the match time is 46 and score is 0 – 0, the result is True and False, what equals in Boolean algebra to False, the trigger is not fired.

    Let’s say that the match time is 50 and score is 2 – 0, then from Boolean algebra you have got True and True (score difference is 2, what is > 1), this Boolean formula is equal to True, that means your trigger will be fired.

    When you combine with And operator then all partial results must be True, to give you full results as True.

    Using Or operator gives you True result when at least one partial result is True.

    You can replace True to 1, and False to 0, then And Boolean operator is in algebra like * (multiplication), so 1 * 0 = 0 (False), 1 * 1 = 1 (True), 0 * 0 = 0 (False)

  • Betfair Bot
    22.6.2018 10:20:27

    Croatia beat Argentina 3 – 0 at World Cup in Russia.

    What were My Tipsters selections for this match?

    My tipsters selections

    16 tipsters selected Argentina, 5 tipsters Croatia, and 5 ones the Draw.

    If you filtered Tipsters by ranking <= 10, and by positive “All Time Roi” you would get 3 tipsters from which two selected Croatia as winner selection.

    My tipsters - Ranking <= 10

    Public voted 55.12% for Argentina and 27.31% for Croatia win.

  • Betfair Bot
    25.5.2018 9:48:07

    Click to input text box, for StartCriteria or StopCriteria, in the right side of the input box appears button […], click on it and Criteria Editor appears, enter your criteria and click on OK button.

    Now you can see that Criteria Editor created text representation of your formula, so if you can type criteria formula by text input then you can do so with exact format Criteria Editor uses.

  • Betfair Bot
    26.4.2018 10:30:31

    You can change view layouts, resize, dock, or undocked views, close/hide unused ones and then add your workspace by clicking on the menu item View / Workspaces / Add.

    This way you can create many workspaces for different use scenarios, I have got such two workspaces the one for bot execution, and the one for manual traded, so Bet Event view is switched to ladders. I have got special workspaces created for tennis treading or horse racing trading when utilizing market data on one ladder. Please have a look on this articles and videos.

    Application layout and workspaces:

    My Football Trading Workspace:

    Analyzing betfair data to trigger trading on horse racing markets:

    Portrait Layout:

  • Betfair Bot
    25.4.2018 20:57:18

    Monitored column (including the column: “Total Matched”) fully describes monitoring status. I do not like to overcomplicate user interface (UI) with a lot of displayed data, less data displayed in UI means more clear UI.

    I was thinking to change “Football Bot” parameters similar to mentioned "If Then Else" bot, adding Score, MatchTime and GoalDifference parameters, then you would be able to set criteria for Start and Stop criteria, combining a lot of criteria values.

    Have a look at on mentioned bot and let me know if you will manage setup such bot, as Criteria Editor could be too complicated for some users with a common sense in Boolean algebra.

  • Betfair Bot
    25.4.2018 17:41:17

    English is foreign language for me, so maybe I have got bad felling in using some words, but in this context “Monitored” term says: has been monitored, and as well is monitored.

    I wanted to show flag, so you can filter, group or sort markets in “Bot Executor” view by Monitored column and so differentiate among those three states: is not yet monitored, is monitored, has/had been monitored.

    Grid view offers other three columns which are by default hidden, but you can show them by clicking on column with your context mouse button/right mouse button, then clicking on Show Column Chooser, from which you can drag and drop hidden column to the grid view. I suggest to show (drag and drop) “Total Matched” column, so you will see that what I was talking about really works.

    If market is monitored by “Bot Executor” tool then “Total Matched” changes values when data are reloaded from betfair servers.

  • Betfair Bot
    25.4.2018 11:26:23

    If you run your bots in Bot Executor tool, then Bot Executor stops market monitoring immediately after no bot is running on the market.

    “Football bot” offers the parameter:  MatchTimeStop, so when the parameter is set, the bot stops its execution after set match time is reached (MatchTimeStop). So you can simply set MatchTimeStop to more than 75.

    Score parameter allows multiple score entries (separate them by ;), for instance: 0 – 0;1 – 1

    Alternatively I can reprogram “Football bot” to implement criteria similar to bot:  "If Then Else"

  • Betfair Bot
    10.4.2018 14:18:03

    You can see PriceTrend value on each ladder, under selection name. It is calculated from local minimal or maximal reach price (odds) and the current price.

    Book value is 100% and higher, for back prices and under 100% for lay prices.

    OfferedAmountToBack/ToLay is calculated from 3 best offered prices.

  • Betfair Bot
    6.4.2018 10:39:19

    Let’s say you have got a strategy running on football markets, you execute it on match odds market because decision to trigger bots is done by match time and/or score.

    You setup your action bots, and then two bots to be open on associated markets using the bot: "Execute On Associated Market", on Under/Over 1.5 and Under/Over 2.5, so you will setup: one bot setting with MarketName: OVER_UNDER_15, and the other one with OVER_UNDER_25.

    So you have got two bots to be executed when your trigger criteria are met on “Football Bot”, but as you already noticed “Football Bot” takes only one bot name in the parameter: BotName.

    Open “Add a new bot” dialog, and type Execute in Search box, what bots are listed? Six bots starting with Execute .., what do you think the bot: “Execute Bots” could do?

    Well, yes exactly what the name of bot says, it will execute bots, defined by parameter: BotNames, so you can add there your two bots to execute your strategy on Under/Over 1.5 and Under/Over 2.5 markets, and you name such new bot, “My football action bots”.

    Now you have got one bot, which can be added to “Football Bot” parameter BotName, and when triggered it will open two associated markets, and execute your action bots on them.

    I would really suggest you to read bot names and description of bot parameters this is all what you need to understand.

    Bot setting is your instruction to be executed, that is all, similar like in programming code where lines of code express instructions of code execution.

  • Betfair Bot
    5.4.2018 12:16:45

    Bots like “Football Bot” or “Execute On Associated Market” just execute action bot set by parameter BotName, nothing more!

    If your bot places “tons of bets” as you say, then you should check bot settings of bot/s which place bets.

    What you could make wrong is as well to add in sequence of your bots execution the same bot, which takes execution in recursion, therefore I asked you to make short video showing your bots settings (just sample if you think someone would steal your strategy this way), and how you use it.

    You did not make such video so it means you have basically problems to use any software, right?

    Well, I cannot help you anymore to understand how any windows software is used. It is really only up to you, learn and if not understand just try again.

    In bfexplorer when you construct your bot strategy by setting more bots, you should check each bot settings in practice mode and see what bot does when executing, that is the only way how to check if all works fine.

  • Betfair Bot
    4.4.2018 10:21:10

    If you have no software for making screen recording, then please install ShareX:

    Make a short video showing how you set you bot and post it on youtube, so I can see what you actually do when setting up your bots.

    You must setup one “Execute On Associated Market” bot per each MarketName, if this bot would supported execution of BotName on many associated markets then parameter name would be plural MarketNames, and not singular: MarketName,  do not you think so?

    You can execute more bots by bot named: “Execute Bots”, where in the parameter: BotNames, you can see plural, so suggesting that you can enter more than one bot.

  • Betfair Bot
    23.3.2018 16:13:58

    Have a look at “Fill or Kill” bot parameter named: Odds. Read what description for this parameter says: “The odds you want to place your bet at. Set to 0 if you want to offer your bet at best offered odds.”

    What does it mean?

    Bot either places a bet at required odds, or offers bet. If there is no offer on back side and you asked to place Lay bet, then bot will waits till some offer appears because bot does not know at what odds you want to place a bet.

    Just to test bot functionality set your bot to place lay bet at 1.01 odds, and you will see that all works fine.