User Comments

  • Stefan
    7.4.2017 19:05:46


    Hi, what you can watch on my video is commercial product I used to visualize betfair tennis data.  

    I wrote simple bot for bfexplorer to save tennis match data, so time, price/odds, traded volume, player on server, sets score, games score, and points. From the above data I was able to produce charts in my video. 

    Here is another article showing how to use betfair bot and bfexplorer console to make charts using JavaScript library called 

    Betfair Market Charts and Data Analyzing

    I do not know if you would be able (by using library) to visualize market data similar like I did by using Tableau software, but if you are interesting and want to collaborate, then I can offer you to build bot to save tennis or football match data and scores, and you will deliver visualization code written with, or JavaScript library. 

    I am able to stream such data from bfexplorer, so your JavaScript app would be able to present visualization in real time, if you like.

  • Stefan
    22.3.2017 19:52:11

    LPTV means Last Price Traded Volume, and it presents traded volume in current best price offered range, when this price range changes the indicator value/s out of this range is/are set to zero. 

    Bfexplorer offers ladder customization, so you are able to arrange columns, and show or hide them. You can do so from Application / Settings / Trading Ladder, or directly from Column Chooser, just open it and drag and drop columns. 

    Bfexplorer offers bot development as well, so if you are able to program a bot, then you can program one to visualize your model data on ladder, for now Odds columns allows such visualization only. 

    Have a look at how I used this feature in my custom bots: 

    Trading Indicators

    Portrait Layout

    Betfair Trading Ladder

    I can add My Indicator column, and set its visual representation to gradient data bar, so you will be able to set your indicator values (-1.0 to 1.0).

  • Stefan
    20.3.2017 16:19:43

    What you can do now is add to "My Favourites Events" your football event filter for markets you want to bet on, so adding: MATCH_ODDS,  HALF_TIME, FIRST_HALF_GOALS_05, FIRST_HALF_GOALS_15, FIRST_HALF_GOALS_25 to Market types, so this way you could open all your events in the Event Browser view. 

    In the Event Browser you can filter events by Total Matched, then you can manually check markets, and open only those ones fulfilling your criteria. 

    Your subscription status is Basic, so it is actually the only option you have got. 

    If you were Professional subscriber, then you are allowed to use bots, and Bfexplorer Console tool. Bfexplorer Console allows to execute scripts, and such simple script can be written for your purpose as well, checking total matched volume for MATCH_ODDS markets, and then loading associated markets and checking if total matched volume on these markets is as required. If all your requirements for total matched volume are met, script can open MATCH_ODDS market and required markets for you automatically. 

    Read and watch video to this article: Filter and Open My Markets

    SMS alerting issue. You need SMS provider, to send SMS from computer to your mobile. There are quite a lot of providers of SMS services, so yes it is possible to program SMS sending feature utilizing provider's API. This approach on the other hand requires constant monitoring of all markets, and again I cannot understand that as you subscribed to Basic subscription plan so no support for bots or custom built bots.

  • Stefan
    14.3.2017 16:41:57

    I think you are confused from using other betfair api software/s.  

    Bfexplorer separates market data updating to two services running in thread pool. This way you are able to set two different update intervals, the one for active market and the other for passive market/s.  

    It means that if you set update interval for the active market to 20 ms, and your internet connection latency to betfair servers is 50 ms, then the market data are updated every 70 ms, what is around 14 times per second. 

    Passive markets, and you maybe know that you can open really a lot of markets for monitoring with bfexplorer, are updated in batches (for 25 markets in one betfair api request), therefor bfexplorer backend services do not use a lot of threads, so there is no need for what you call: "Maximum Parallel Calls". 

    Of course any bet operation is executed in thread pool, but in manual trading how many times per second are you able to click on ladder? So again, no performance degradation for bet operations. 

    If you run automated bot strategies, so bets are placed by bfexplorer bots, and if you open for instance 100 markets on which you want to place bets, then of course if you want to place bets on 100 markets at the same time, then bfexplorer can open two many threads in thread pool, but the question is who would like to do so?  

    In most automated strategies Bot Executor executes bots at set time relative to the official market start time, so for instance if you would run your bots on all football match odds markets 5 minutes before kick off then depending on how many matches is played in a day, too much bet threads is not opened, maximal 10 threads. 

    Bot manages its bet position, so if bet place request has been sent, bot knows about api request result, and if necessary bet is placed again.  

    Betfair streaming api uses totally different approach in market data updating, there is no request/response, bfexplorer subscribers for updates and updates are stream through established connection/socket. 

    You can see differences in this video: Monitoring 64 Markets - Market/order Streaming

    In the latest release of bfexplorer I have enabled market streaming option, you must restart bfexplorer when changing this option.

  • Stefan
    11.3.2017 16:37:36

    You spammed asking him to contact you, offering him your help to develop what he had asked for. 

    I did not say you are the spammer from 10 years ago. I said you and your country man are two spammers here only, I banned from 2007 till now, so as you said throughout 10 years just two people were banned. 

    I already offered you to use different software.  

    I only left this article to warn other spammers like you, otherwise I would simply deleted all your comments and articles. I am simply not used to waste my time, so if I left your article and take my time to reply in comments, there was just one reason to do so.

  • Stefan
    11.3.2017 11:59:26

    You spammed to this article: Help developing a Bot/risk manager

    If you would had been careful with the way how you phrased your spam, I would left your comment and not banned you.

    Bfexplorer actually offers "Bot/risk manager" tool already, and it is called "My bet position"

    The tool presents entire bet position on all markets, and of course on particular ones, allowing you to close your bet position on selected market or on all of them.

    Bfexplorer offers BOT SDK so it is possible to extend any bfexplorer feature, or build new ones by creating custom bots or apps. Such custom bots can be built by any developer, not only by me, as Bfexplorer BOT SDK is publicly available for anyone.

    What I can suggest you is to use another betfair account to trial bfexplorer, or just subscribe to bfexplorer. There is a lot of other products for betfair trading so you can use other apps as well.

    As you maybe noticed there is no need to register here on the forum, as with bfexplorer installation all is done automatically with your first login. This way I managed to block spammers, because to post on forum you must use bfexplorer app.

    You are the second spammer I blocked here from 2007, and I think both spammers were from the same country, just by judging from your name/s.

  • Stefan
    10.3.2017 18:58:49

    You spammed forum, therefore I deleted your comment and banned your access.

  • Stefan
    8.3.2017 12:08:35

    So what you are saying is that you trade in-play races directly from a racecourse watching a race, and you want to use ladders to place bets. 

    Well, quite strange because through all those years I am betfair software vendor I built 3 or 5 in-play trading bespoke apps and none of them used ladders, not even market grid with 3 best offered back and lay prices. 

    All those apps used triggered bots to place bets, and in all cases actually keyboard was used to select  a horse by saddlecloth number.

  • Stefan
    8.3.2017 11:27:11

    You cannot see such data on any betfair market, because betfair switched your betfair api access to delayed data. 

    Betfair does so to users who have no money on their betfair accounts, or had not placed any bet on betfair exchange in last 3 months.  

    It is clear that placed bet/s must be matched and settled, then in your next login to your betfair account through betfair api app you can see real data on betfair markets.

  • Stefan
    1.3.2017 10:47:19

    You can check your subscription status through web page: USER / My Subscription Details. 

    Your subscription expires 3/19/2017 so you should have no problems with login. You did not mention from which country you login, and if you use normal login dialog or web page login (In application settings: Use web page login) 

    My records says that your last successful login had been done at 3/1/2017 2:05:54 AM.

  • Stefan
    20.2.2017 15:38:54

    a) Streaming API is available only for Bot Executor tool to evaluate bet results after a market is closed.

    b) Virtual bets are by default switched on, and you can switch it off by using Bfexplorer

    c) Using Bfexplorer Console you can switch the full market depth as well, please read the article and watch videos:

    Set Show Full Market Depth

  • Stefan
    25.1.2017 11:57:16

    I do bespoke bot development only for my Professional subscribers. You have got my email, send me your specification and I will reply with my price for such project and time schedule.

  • Stefan
    20.1.2017 9:26:04

    Yes, I do bespoke bot/apps development using betfair api.

  • Stefan
    2.12.2016 11:20:40

    Football Bot triggers your action bot you define in the parameter BotName. The action bot is responsible for placing a bet or starting a trading session on preset selection.  

    All bots which place a bet offers the parameter: ExecuteOnSelection, therefore if you want to declare the exact selection on which you want to place a bet you must set this parameter. Home team selection index is 1, the away team selection index is 2. 

    If your strategy for Football bot is to place a bet on home team when a goal is scored, so for instance scores: 1 - 0;2 – 0 and so on, then consequently your action bot ExecuteOnSelection must be set to 1. 

    Have a look at on some other articles describing how to execute some bot strategies on football matches:

  • Stefan
    24.11.2016 14:30:08

    Football Score tool uses data from betfair, so there is  no need to synchronize such data with betfair markets, because live score api queries match data by market id.  

    If you use other source of live score data, then first you need to spend some time on hacking such source of data, some sources makes it difficult by scrambling data as well, for instance all service aggregating live score data from seems to be stealing data from other providers, hardly to say what company is actually real provider of live score data for Europe, maybe it is that Czech company I mentioned above. 

    Just by judging from your forum name, in your country the average hourly rate for senior software developer is 45 Euro.  

    The api source I use offer information about cards as well, this feature is not implement to Football Bot, if you want to build your bespoke bot just send me by email your short project specification.

  • Stefan
    28.9.2016 20:06:33

    This bot code shows how to retrieve betfair SP prices. When market is turned at in play, so in code, the line 72, you can add what you want to.


  • Stefan
    9.9.2016 21:04:15

    And what would you do with that?  

    Frankly to say I am not quite sure you understand what you can see on those videos. Those videos were actually made to report my progress on quite big project I am working on now for couple weeks. 

  • Stefan
    4.9.2016 19:49:41

    Yes, I developed similar app/bot for MySQL as well.