User Comments

  • Stefan
    13.5.2020 19:52:50

    My bfexplorer user interface is built as WPF application. In the Bfexplorer/Betfair BOT SDK you can find this project:

    It is WinForms app using backend of my bfexplorer app, so yes you can develop your own user interface using Bfexplorer BOT SDK.

    On the other hand there is a question, why would you do so, if you can extend bfexplorer app by your bot, tool or plugin, so even new user interface (plugin) can be added to bfexplorer app:

    Bfexplorer Plugin Support

    And of course if you are skilled developer you can reverse engineering my app, and as the app application domain and services are separated fro user interface, it is very easy to build your new user interface on whatever GUI platform.

    For instance the same bfexplorer app backed was shared when I developed this web app for betfair:

  • Stefan
    10.5.2020 10:43:04

    It depends on tipster's betting model, and its profitability.

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 20:40:03

    And as well betfair has no interest to lose betting customer, just by blocking customers api access. What I can suggest is to use subscription code from your subscription details and refer it to your request to bdp support. Subscription code is associated with app key, so if you did not mention what software you use with your betfair api access, so bfexplorer, they will retrieve this information from it.

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 20:22:03

    I have just tested on my server clean installation of the latest version of bfexplorer.

    Then I used my account, and my brother's account (both having money on betfair), but my brother’s account was not used for more than 1 year, I had to create subscription to bfexplorer to get activation code, and on both accounts I have fully api access.

    So there is no problem with my app key (bfexplorer), because if it was some then it would not be possible to create new subscription code on betfair and then activate access for brother’s account.

    Gentlemen, really any restrictions can be lifted by betfair only.

    Tony’s subscription code is valid till 24.5.2020, Graf’s till 15.5.2020 and Bodasy’s till 15.5.2020.

    Two days ago I finished bespoke bot for one trial user, and he activated his subscription on 8.5.2020, and was able to use bfexplorer app with full api access.

    It is weekend, so you have got from betfair maybe automatic reply from its support, and of course betfair monitoring system is fully automated, so your api access status was changed this way as well, and you will get more information when person will check it.

    I do not know if delayed api status is associated with app key as well, but I do not think so, because then you could simply misuse betfair api data by using different vendors applications, and that is nonsense, just count the number of apps on betfair apps market.

    If betfair would made such bug in their api access then for one account such illegal api user could use his account for x apps on the market.

     I think delayed api status is set to user’s account, Bodasy I do not think what you say is right. Your last login with bfexplorer app was on 14.4.2020 20:56:54 CET.

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 19:40:40

    I have no email contact to betfair bdp. For any communication I use support web page.

    Tony and Graf, my business model is to sell my trading software to betfair users, so I have no interest to block any user from using my app, it would be nonsense, do not you think?

    Betfair business model is to take fees from any winning bet, betfair users place on betfair exchange, so again in their interest is not to block users that really bet on the exchange, no users means no fees, so no profit for them. 

    I hope you will get some feedback from betfair about your api status. In following days betfair ends its services for another country: Russia. I do not know from which country you operate from, or what you actually do with betfair api data. 

    Betfair offers web api access as well, I made some bespoke app using this api, so maybe for your activity it is more suitable this kind of api access, but that is offered only to vendors like me. You must ask betfair if you want to use this api for commercial use.

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 18:48:17

    Graf, my records says your last login with bfexplorer app was on 14.4.2020 15:24:37. 

    Tony's one today: 9.5.2020 0:21:52. Time is in CET (Central European Time) 

    From my side that is all what I can say about your activity. Bfexplorer App key is active one, no other users reported problems, nor me have problems with betfair api data. I have got full api access.

    Betfair restricts api access, and full api access can be activated again by them only.

    Betfair restricts access to api to users who use their data not for betting or trading on betfair, or who missuse betfair api data.

    If you search forum for similar posts, you can find this one: Restricted Betfair account

    In the above case the user was no longer my susbcriber, and his access was restricted because he used api data just for testing stratergies, he was not betting or trading on betfair, and as you can read from his post betfair informed him:

    "With regret, we have restricted your Betfair account with a delay to Exchange market data (odds and volumes). The restriction is in accordance with our Terms and Conditions; in particular the intellectual property clauses with reference to Betfair data.

    Your data usage profile represents that of a commercial user. Note that usage of Betfair Exchange market data by any user in a commercial context requires a data licence. Betfair offers a commercial data licensing scheme, details of which can be found at"

    If betfair did not inform you yet, then they will do so, but I am sure you have got already from them similar letter as Mir did get. 


  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 17:42:07

    Here is the information from betfair BDP web site:

    My app key, bfexplorer app key is not delayed app key, so the only problems are those ones I already mentioned, betfair says:

    "You’ll receive delayed Exchange market data if you are logged out, logged in but have never funded your account or if your account has been restricted by Betfair to received delayed data only."

    This applies for my api access (Bfexplorer is "Vendor App customers"):

    "You'll receive delayed data when using a live App Key if your Betfair account has never been funded or if an override has been applied to your account, or App Key. "

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 17:26:27

    Tony, but do you understand that betfair controls which account has delayed api access and which one not?

    It is not me, betfair software vendor. I have api access as you, using my app key, and it is full api access.

    So if it was true, what betfair support is trying to suggest you, that my app is causing your problems, that is simply not true, because then none of my users, nor me whould have full api access. 

    Bfexplorer is asigned app key to access api, but any other restrictions are done by betfair only.

  • Stefan
    9.5.2020 16:15:28

    Betfair switches delayed api for any account with zero balance, or not activate accounts.

    Not activate account means that you did not place matched bet on betfair for more than 3 months, just do so, place a matched bet and after it is settled I believe your next login to betfair with any betfair api app will reactivate your full api access.

    Place your bet through betfair web page, on betfair exchange, of course.

  • Stefan
    4.5.2020 15:12:40

    This project had been originally posted on

    Looking for someone to help with some horse racing data analytics

    Here is my implementation.

  • Stefan
    2.4.2020 19:55:39

    I will summarize it shortly for others looking for any betfair strategy development.

    None of betfair apps can offer pre-built strategies where you just set parameters and all is done magically for you.  Such simple strategies are built exactly only for preset features, and if you need any changes or additions to these features, it is not possible to do so without changing application code.

    Some of betfair apps offer Excel integration where your strategy can be built just on betfair odds and traded volume formulas, anything else must be programmed in Visual Basic code.

    Bfexplorer offers all base bots for placing bets (back/lay bets, back/lay dutching bets) or executing trading session for required profit or loss target.  All these base bots can be used itself and you can create simple strategies just by setting bot parameters, or entry criteria.

    Anything else can be programmed using Bfexplorer BOT SDK, and such bot is automatically integrated into bfexplorer, and so can be used by all other tools bfexplorer offers, mainly by Bot Executor tools, or by Bfexplorer Console. In all these cases, bfexplorer acts like development environment, to retrieve betfair data, or any other required data for particular market.    

    Your custom built bot is available only for you it is not available publicly to all bfexplorer users.

    On the forum you can find a lot of examples, and on github you can download source code for a lot simple bot scripts.

    Contact me through support web page, or by info email, so we can discuss specification to your bot that will gather required data from live markets. I have added short video showing some data Bfexplorer BOT SDK can offer for developers, but in your case, we will use mainly meta data betfair offers (trainer and jockey names), and of course BSP on markets which are turned at in-play, and the winner of the race.

    Custom built bot code can save data in any required format, most used is plain text format of CSV file that can be open by Excel, and by other tools you will use data analyzing or building your machine learning model.

  • Stefan
    1.4.2020 17:22:30

    The question is what is your own experience in required skills?

    From your specification: “data extraction” and “data analytics”.

    If you already have this historical data then you need to create your model, where from your data you are able to take some conclusions.

    For instance by entering parameters like Horse Name, Trainer, Jockey and so on, your model can return probability values for each horse (trainer, jockey) to win a race. This probability is then taken by bfexplorer bot as trigger to initiate bet placing or not.

    So from this point of view all you need to learn in bfexplorer are those two features:

    My Strategies / Bots to Execute

    Strategy / Bot Executor

  • Stefan
    31.3.2020 9:31:58

    Traded data use case scenario. 

  • Stefan
    16.2.2020 15:36:48

    When you open web page, on the home page:

    There is list of main features, the same can be found:

    These twelve main features describe how to use bfexplorer app for your betting, trading or automated execution of different betfair strategies.

    I hope you have managed to open bfexplorer and login to betfair that is the starting point.

    So after opening bfexplorer app and login to betfair, bfexplorer app shows Event Browser view, loaded with Upcoming in-play events.

    When selecting any market in grid view of the Event Browser, the Execute in Strategy / Bot Executor toolbar icon is activated. That means that you can do what “Execute in Strategy / Bot Executor” sentence would suggest, so start your bot strategy on markets loaded to Event Browser grid view.

    You want to execute your strategy on greyhounds markets; it means you need to open greyhounds markets to the Event Browser. You want to execute some strategy, so it means you need to define such strategy adding it to “My Strategies / Bots to Execute” view.

    Your key features you need to familiarize yourself are:

    Market navigation and browsing

    Place bet, Execute till target profit

    Strategy / Bot Executor

    Just browsing forum, you can find a lot of examples for above three features.

  • Stefan
    26.1.2020 19:29:37

    Bfexplorer offers bot named: “Execute Till Target Profit”, so bot suitable to execute sequential bets till target profit/loss is reached. The bot places next bet in sequence only when previous bet is settled, so it is known that bet is winner, and/or loss.

    In your strategy you use “Reular Time Goals” market, so your bets are not settled when period ends, but only when matched ends.

    To execute your strategy you need ice hockey live score, so bot needs to know which period is played, and what the correct score is.

    Yes, the strategy can be programmed. If you are familiar with some programming language then you can use Bfexplorer BOT SDK to program your ice hockey strategy bot.

  • Stefan
    15.1.2020 23:09:45

    Your subscription code was assigned to you, I can see it had been generated.

    If you have problems then you must understand that activation of subscription code and as well activation of your api access is done on betfair servers. If you still cannot login then betfair simply blocks your access, it is done so for not used accounts, accounts with zero balance, and of course for blocked accounts.

    Therefore please ask betfair. If you did not bet for more than 3 months, or have zero balance on your account, then deposit and place a bet on betfair, the matched one. This helps to reactivate api access.

  • Stefan
    3.12.2019 21:15:43

    Advice from Peter Webb from betangel forum:

    Perhaps see if there has been a big price change with no change is score line on the correct score market?

    It is really funny but this best software on the betfair world:

    “Bet Angel is the premier software for trading on Betfair. Used by professionals all over the world, Bet Angel has been developed by traders who use it as their primary tool. Introduced in 2004, Bet Angel is constantly developed with more features and improved performance over any alternative software.”

    Have no support for live score match data in automation!

  • Stefan
    28.11.2019 14:56:21

    Yes, you start your custom built bot assembly with app:  Bfexplorer.exe

    Do you really think you will manage to program your bot, having such big problems when debugging bot code? I think you should find bot developer, or just send me specification for your custom bot.


  • Stefan
    28.11.2019 11:38:27

    C:\Program Files (x86)\BeloSoft\Bfexplorer\Bfexplorer.exe

  • Stefan
    13.11.2019 22:33:48

    And here is the result.

    Well, yes it would be a good idea to optionally execute "Close Market Bet Position" bot, after dutching bet is matched.