
BotUI.exe for MyCSharpBot

Advise please where is the version bfexplorer BotUI.exe, and where to download?

Comments ( 4 )

  • Stefan
    28.11.2019 11:38:27

    C:\Program Files (x86)\BeloSoft\Bfexplorer\Bfexplorer.exe

  • Ganger
    28.11.2019 14:42:54

    The latest version Bfexplorer no BotUI.exe, but he needs to start MyCSharpBot.

    Where possible find and download BotUI.exe ?

  • Ganger
    28.11.2019 14:51:20

    BotUI.exe == Bfexplorer.exe I realized right?

  • Stefan
    28.11.2019 14:56:21

    Yes, you start your custom built bot assembly with app:  Bfexplorer.exe

    Do you really think you will manage to program your bot, having such big problems when debugging bot code? I think you should find bot developer, or just send me specification for your custom bot.