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Bfexplorer Latest Release

Version 3.1.1021 - preview Betfair menu view and Copy Trading tool. Version 2.0.8174 Cumulative updates. Version 2.0.8117 Adding GoalBeingScored parameter to Football bot. Version 2.0.8113 Adding StopBotExecutionOnMarketVersionChange parameter to all selection bots. Version ...

Execute My Horse Racing Strategy

In my previous post I showed how to load horse’s data: Bfexplorer Console – Horses Data I opened the script in Bfexplorer Console and clicking on Execute toolbar button the script loaded data and showed them in the spreadsheet application. Let’s say we want to use this data to ...

Bfexplorer Console – Horses Data

Bfexplorer Console allows executing scripts, so short programs which are able to interact with bfexplorer data and of course do anything else what the script is programmed for. Let’s say we bet on horse racing and we want to show the list of all horses racing today including jockey and ...

Automation - Can I Place a Betfair SP Bet?

From Bet Angel forum: I can't see how to do this through BA. I'm talking of placing an actual intended SP bet not 'taking SP' on an unmatched bet. I can set high odds and set 'take SP' but I then have no control over the odds achieved as I have when setting an intended SP bet on the Betfair ...

My Results to Spreadsheet

To report strategy results to spreadsheet we can use Bfexplorer Console tool allowing executing script and so allowing reading any data available in bfexplorer app. Here is the script I showed in my short video tutorial: ShowMyMartingaleStrategyResults.fsx What is very important when executing ...

Signal Value Trend Line - PriceTradedHistory.MyValues

In my previous post I showed how to visualize data in spreadsheet. When manually trading and having some kind of algorithm to process data, the better alternative is to show such data in selection charts. In my latest bfexplorer app release I added: PriceTradedHistory.MyValues for custom data ...

Signal Value Trend Line

From Bet Angel forum: I wonder if you could help with my query below. I have setup a rule those increments a value and another rule that Decrement the value of the same signal. When the first rule is triggered the signal value goes up, when the second rule is triggered the signal value goes down. ...

Spreadsheet for Live Current Trades

From Betangel forum: Does anyone have a spreadsheet that can pick up my bets from Bet Angel and show them live in a simple format such as this:  Race Details | Selection | Stake | Matched Price| LTP |Current Profit/Loss  I've searched and can't see how to do it. Bfexplorer ...

Automation - Choosing a horse by its last position

From Betangel forum: Not sure if this has been answered or not, can't find anything on the search function. Maybe I'm using wrong search parameters. Anyway how do you set up a bot to choose the horse which was say 8th placed on its last race? Or even multiple horses chosen by last placing on ...

Bfexplorer - Your Guide to Betting Smarter

This week I exchanged couple of emails with betfair Australia BDP team, and as this discussion could be interesting for others here are some questions. BDP team: “While some of the tutorials on our automation site may not be necessarily profitable as currently offered, the main focus that we ...