
Spreadsheet for Live Current Trades

From Betangel forum:

Does anyone have a spreadsheet that can pick up my bets from Bet Angel and show them live in a simple format such as this:

 Race Details | Selection | Stake | Matched Price| LTP |Current Profit/Loss

 I've searched and can't see how to do it.

Bfexplorer Solution:

Well yes, we open many markets when trading on betfair and place a lot of bets, therefore having very good user experience when interacting with betfair trading app is the most useful feature of any trading app.

Let’s have a look at on bfexplorer betfair trading software.

In the Navigation panel there is item: “Events with my bets”,  so if you placed your bets manually using betfair web page or your bets were placed couple days ago, clicking on this item, in the Event Browser are loaded all events with any matched or unmatched bets.

Here you can select events you want to open, or open them all. When markets are open they are added to the Open Markets panel, and here we can see current profit, and on which markets we have got unmatched bets (columns Unmatched/Matched Bets, by default they are hidden, so you must add them from Show Column Chooser dialog).

Double clicking on selected market, opens the market to Bet Event or Bet Event Trader view.

When placing bets manually with bfexplorer app, any market selection is automatically added to Watched Selections view. This view shows market selections with current profit, price history in chart, the last traded price/odds and traded range, the minimal and maximal price, and as well price trends in ticks.

Very useful is the profit/loss button that not only shows current profit, but when clicking on it, your bet position is hedged. Clicking on the market selection title opens the market to Bet Event view. As any view can be undocked or placed on different position, when having more computer displays or a big one, we can create different app layouts and saved them.

So when we placed a lot of bets we can see on the first look all our bet positions in Watched Selections.

Another very useful tool is “My Bet Position”. This tool shows current profit balance for all open markets with matched bets. Double clicking on selected market opens the market to Bet Event view, so again similar like with “Watched Selections” we can very quickly navigate between our open markets with matched bets, and of course we can close bet position from this tool as well.

Well I do not think when having such good user experience there is any need to make spreadsheet listing all current market selections with matched bets, but if you really want such spreadsheet it can be done like it was presented in these articles: