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Bfexplorer Latest Release

Version 3.23.1126 Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 9.0) Version 3.22.0821 Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version  Version 3.10.0721 Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 8.0) Version 3.9.0425 Cumulative ...

Data Context Browser

The latest version of bfexplorer offers a new tool called Data Context Browser. As the name could suggest the tool is able to browse data, but what kind of data? This morning we tested new horse racing strategy where we used a set of 4 rules: ForecastPrice <= 20.0 and RatingStars <= 3 and ...

Execute My Horse Racing Strategy

In my previous post I showed how to load horse’s data: Bfexplorer Console – Horses Data I opened the script in Bfexplorer Console and clicking on Execute toolbar button the script loaded data and showed them in the spreadsheet application. Let’s say we want to use this data to ...

Bfexplorer Console – Horses Data

Bfexplorer Console allows executing scripts, so short programs which are able to interact with bfexplorer data and of course do anything else what the script is programmed for. Let’s say we bet on horse racing and we want to show the list of all horses racing today including jockey and ...

My Results to Spreadsheet

To report strategy results to spreadsheet we can use Bfexplorer Console tool allowing executing script and so allowing reading any data available in bfexplorer app. Here is the script I showed in my short video tutorial: ShowMyMartingaleStrategyResults.fsx What is very important when executing ...

Horse Racing Watch My Jockeys or Trainers

From Bet Angel forum: Specific Jockey alerts Is there a way I can create a rule for a specific jockey and trainer apply to all markets and it alerts me which races meet my criteria? I.e. I can apply to all markets in the morning the rule scans and alerts me to which markets meet the criteria so I ...

Betfair Bot Programming for Beginners

What is the best way for programming betfair strategy? Well, I think it is possibility of interaction with the real data, and quick feedback you can get from debugging your code and from errors reported by your integrated development environment (IDE). What are common IDEs used by betfair bot ...

Betfair SP Stake

When I place a Betfair SP bet, it only shows matched in the Market Bets window,but the stake shows 0.  When the event starts, then the stake shows (as well as the odds of course).  Also all the codes that I can find on showing the BSP (near far etc) don't show anything in the ...

Bot Trigger Building Part 4

In the final Part of this tutorial, I would like the bot to stop and give us a warning message in the console if it has had X losses in a row. Seeing as the bot runs fully automatic, if I am not in front of the computer and for whatever reason I am having a bad run, I'd like to limit my losses so ...

Automation: Filtering Guardian Market List

I would like to try and filter the Guardian market list on horse racing so that I only have races with at least ten minutes between the start times, discarding races that are too close together. I don't care which races I keep or discard. Has anyone found an easy way to do this? Bfexplorer ...