User Comments

  • adska
    12.7.2021 17:16:42

    Thanks, works perfect!

  • adska
    11.7.2021 20:02:18

    I want debug project like in your video

    1) I set that it run external BFExplorer program


    2) I run debugger but breakpoints are not found, i can not debug and load my bots, what i am doing wrong?



  • adska
    11.7.2021 19:18:33

    is there any guide how to run trgger bot script in BFExplorer? I did not find any manual or video hot to do it

  • adska
    11.7.2021 10:01:55

    I have tried to download Bot SDK directly from github , so there is a little less errors, but anyway something wrong.


    List of errors: