Forum Article

Tennis - STOP program if PROFIT


How to set the following condition:

IF "X" Euros profit then the STOP program.

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Comments ( 11 )

  • Mir.
    11.4.2016 0:42:32

    Try Close Market Bet Position bot...

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 1:00:44

    Is it possible to set the parameters in the "Place bet" under "Entry Criteria"?

  • Mir.
    11.4.2016 1:29:02

    There are many ways how to "STOP at PROFIT"...


    This is a bot that operates on the market. If you set the Profit "X" Euros, Loss = 0 and uncheck ProfitOrLossInPercentage bot will close a market after the profit reached.



    If you want you can Close Selection Bet Position only...

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 1:58:05

    How to connect "Close Bet Market Position" with "Tennis Bot" and "Place Bet"?

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 9:47:35

     My BOT order of the elements is as follows:

  • Mir.
    11.4.2016 10:45:42


    If you need to place one open bet and one close bet you can use Place Bet and Close Bet Position bot.

    There are all you need in one trading cycle

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 10:52:24

    I need to close the entire market Tennis (stop program if "X" profit).

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 11:21:22

    I have a list, eg. 50 tennis matches - Bet LAY (not trading) - eg. I won 2 matches (2 x 5 Euro) - I won 10 Euro - at this point the program has to stop and not to buy more.

  • Betfair Bot
    11.4.2016 11:55:07

    That means that you are applying a staking plan to your betting, it means that you must use the “Execute Till Target Profit” bot to execute your tennis bot.

    On the other hand this staking strategy plan requires execution of matches step by step only. A new bet is placed (bot executed) only after previous bet result is known.

    If you bet or trade at the same time on many markets, then you can monitor your bet position on these markets by My Bet Position tool/view, and you can close bet position on all markets when necessary.

  • skarabeusz
    11.4.2016 22:44:56

    Is this sequence correct?