Hello, I am trying to build BOT SDK, but get many errors.
I have installed the last version of MS Visual Studio Community 2019,
All .NET frameworks are installed on my PC
I have downloaded and installed the newest BFexplorer version
But looks like BOT SDK code and project references do not fit with the last BFExplorer .dlls.
Can you help?
full list of build errors: https://paste.ofcode.org/a97pqkmfuQ9x6C3PXYU8yU
Errors screen:
Comments ( 2 )
I have tried to download Bot SDK directly from github , so there is a little less errors, but anyway something wrong.
List of errors: https://paste.ofcode.org/QLXJVRSRsubDRzHgWh4eTz
Betfair Bot
I have just updated the Bfexplorer BOT SDK to the latest version of Bfexplorer 2.0.7106