Forum Article


Hello, my last subscription ended in september 9, after that date i dind't activate a new subscription code but the money was debit from my paypal account, why?

And can i get the money back?

Thank you.

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Comments ( 1 )

  • Stefan
    18.9.2020 15:49:07

    Sir, please read bfexplorer T&C:

    Simply said, you/bfexplorer user creates subcsription using your paypal account. When you do not want to use bfexplorer anymore then you must cancell your subscripition on your paypal account.

    Nor bfexplorer but paypal automatically takes subscription payments till you cancel it.

    Just common sense, how could I know that you do not want to use bfexplorer anymore? Well, yes I cannot know it, only you know it. 

    When looking for active subscription by your email: I could not find any entry, so really only you muist cancel your susbcription on your paypal account, or you must give me more personal detials to find your subscription nd cancel it.