Forum Article

Activation of Subscription

I hope someone can assist me - I have recently paid for my subscription, I donated via paypal however I have not received any details in regards to the subscription code or any confirmation from this web site at all - just the confirmation from paypal.



Any assistance will be gratefully appreciated.


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Comments ( 1 )

  • Stefan
    22.5.2016 18:49:44

    Bfexplorer offers three types of subscription plan.

    Monthly subscription plan activates your betfair api access each months at day you created your paypal subscription to bfexplorer. No email is sent from bfexplorer when subscription is activated as the betfair api activation process is executed when paypal payment is received, and about this fact you already receives notification email from paypal.

    One year subscription plan is not recurring plan like monthly subscription plan, but betfair api activation is executed when paypal payment is received.

    Community subscription plan requires you to be an active user on bfexplorer forum. What does it mean to be active community user?

    If you go from trail subscription to free use of bfexplorer, then you must post at least one comment or artcle to bfexplorer forum.

    When you continue to use your free bfexplorer access to betfair api for following month/s then you must post an article or comment each week.

    When you use community subscription plan and want to use either basic or professional bfexplorer features, then you must be active community user like free users, and you must donate through paypal.

    The process of betfair api activation in this case is made through checking your activity status on bfexplorer forum when you login to betfair using bfexplorer app. If you are active user then your betfair api access is automatically activated with free subscription plan, after donating you must send me an email informing me that you made your donation, then I manually change your subscription status, so you will be able to use basic or professional features of bfexplorer.