Forum Article

No Sound

Maybe i've missed a trick....but when a market turns in play or suspended there is no sound or colour change on the screen to inform you of the change. Is it possible to get a noise to sound off when the market has gone inplay and suspended? Also where it says suspended to change to the colour red?



 Paul Stubbs

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  • Betfair Bot
    19.12.2015 12:21:57

    Paul, bfexplorer (Professional) allows monitoring hundreds of betfair markets, therefore I did not implement any notification system as a core feature to the application user interface (UI) but instead such notification system is implemented by different bfexplorer bots.

    This approach allows switching notifications on just for selected markets, well by executing a notification bot/s on such markets. Using bot executor tool you can automate this approach, for instance automatically open a race 10 minutes before race start time, and executing “Horse Racing Race Status” if you want to be informed about a race status.

    Why I think is this approach better?

    Well, you asked for market status notification changes (open, suspended, open in-play, closed), but someone else could ask for bet matching notification, or football/tennis score notification, and so on, you name it.

    If such notification system had been built in the core application UI, then in the application setting I should add different settings for different notification systems. On the other hand a bot approach allows me to extend the bfexplorer features without adding new features to core bfexplorer backend, as bots or custom triggers are plugins/extensions.

    I added video to your article showing how you can use “Horse Racing Race Status Bot”.