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Case Study 3 - Recovery strategy using excel

Been working on a few strategies and unfourtantly have turned to betbotpro to test and run them. I would much rather use betangel but have issues with staking. Was wondering if anyone could help me.

Basically have a strategy that has a number of winners. However when there is a loser I set in place a recovery plan.

To try and explain what I am after is I am looking to lay a certain dog in a race, if it wins lay with the same stake, if it loses then adjust the stake to recover on the next race etc. Therefore I belive I will need to pull two sets of information to achieve this in excel. My account reaults and maybe race results. I also don't want to place bets if there is more than two unsettled bets on my account, but think when I have the data in excel it shouldn't be two hard to program. Will need it continuously updateing thou.

Anything out there?

I already wrote about it and showed how to use Bot Trigger for any staking plan. Please read the article:

Bot Trigger – My Staking Plan (1)

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