Blog Article

Importing CSV to Automatically Place Lay Bets on Horses

From Betangel forum:

I'm wondering if anyone would know a good way to import a csv into Bet Angel and have it automatically place a lay bet on each horse @ BSP or at least at fixed liability seconds before the race?

I get daily tips from another website which I can export to a csv, however I haven't found a good way to input it into Bet Angel and place the lay bets automatically.

I could use Guardian however there could be up to 4 lay bets in a single race and I can't see a way to make that many specific selections for one market in Guardian.

Bfexplorer Solution:

As all horse’s names are unique in British Horseracing, CSV file can contain just horse name, and the second column bet type we want to place on betfair. Bfexplorer uses pre built bots to place bets or execute a trading session, therefore this “bet name” can be the name of bot we want to execute on the selection.

Directly in the bot setting we can set bet type, stake amount or other criteria. To load tipster’s selections from CSV file we use bot trigger code:


In my short video I present testing of such bot trigger on races, where on two of them, the horse is included in the CVS file, and on the one not.

To execute your tipster selections strategy automatically, for instance 10 seconds before official race start time, we can use Strategy Bot Executor tool, running the strategy on all horse racing markets.

This bot trigger can be simply changed to load different type of CSV files.  

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