Blog Article

Football Match Statistics

From Bet Angle forum: Import soccer fixtures to Excel

Does anyone know of any soccer stat sites that will allow me to import either upcoming fixtures or previous week’s results to Excel for analysis to save on manual entry?


I just want to import the fixtures each week for various top leagues: Premier, Bundesliga, Seria A, La Liga etc. I can then manually add any relevant fields like odds, position, result, and goal times etc after the games but the most time consuming bit is typing in all the team names each week.

Bfexplorer Solution:

Bfexplorer bots are able to download and process data from many sources. In my short video I showed how to present some match data, in spreadsheet.

If you want to use similar data to trigger your bet actions, have a look at my other posts describing how to automate football trading on betfair:

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