Blog Article

Case Study 11 - Football Bet After Goal Is Scored

From Market Feeder forum:

How to get trigger to understand when football match underdog first score a goal?

Bfexplorer Solution:

In my short video I show a football “bot trigger” implementing the base feature of such football bot. At the moment you execute this bot, it is assumed that bot is executed before a match start time, either manually by you or automatically using “Bot Executor” tool.

The bot first checks which team is favourite and which one is underdog, just by comparing last traded prices, and then monitors football live score for this match, as soon as a goal is scored the bot evaluates which team has scored the gol, and executes a trigger action.

There are a lot of options in football strategies, and such strategy can be executed on different football market types. If you are interested in building such football strategy then leave a comment to this article.

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