Forum Article


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Is ladder reversed possible?

Only have one type of chart, betfair or candle mode to check the volume of money?

I could put the ladder mode in betfair colors, light blue back and light pink lay?

What is the meaning of the acronym lptv?



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  • Stefan
    8.7.2017 12:30:57

    You can rearrange ladder columns, just by dragging column header and dropping it to the new position or through Application / Settings / Trading Ladder. Reverse bet placing is not supported as it breaks all rules: to offer a bet and to take bet at desired odds and volume. 

    You can use NinjaTrader tool to visualize betfair data in charts, or any bot integration PRO allows to visualize data. 

    NinjaTrader Tool 

    Analyzing betfair data to trigger trading on horse racing markets. 

    Betfair Market Charts and Data Analyzing 

    You can change ladder colors and rules of how are data presented by clicking on any header by right mouse/context button on your mouse, then a context menu appears and you can click on Conditional Formatting / Manage Rules. Changed rules are not saved, so when restarting bfexplorer the default rules are applied again. Bfexplorer UI can be presented in light or dark theme (see Application / Settings / General). The column colors are blue and pink, but in light theme background colors seems darker, try dark theme to see difference. 

    Ladder Column - Conditional Formatting Rules 

    LPTV is last price traded volume, and it shows on ladder what amount was matched on best offered prices. When clicking wherever on LPTV column cell, the values are cleared, so then for best offered prices you can see how much volume of money was matched by backers, and layers.