
Help with place order

Just trying to place an order, but my code gets stuck, and the task never completes. What am I doing wrong?


        public async Task ExecuteMyTest()


            var result = await _bfexplorerService.BetfairServiceProvider.BettingOperations.PlaceOrder(













        public override void Execute()


            var task = ExecuteMyTest();


            Status = BotStatus.ExecutionEnded;



Comments ( 2 )

  • adska
    17.8.2024 14:04:57

    It is same with all commands 

  • Betfair Bot
    18.8.2024 13:42:56

    Why are you trying to over complicated your bet placing when you can use built-in bet strategy “Place Bet”, to setup your bet and execute it.

    If you are trying to build a strategy then simplest way for you is start coding BotTrigger code, there is a lot of examples here on forum and a lot of code on my github page.