
pressing the buttons

Have been pressing the buttons ..... my first impressions of Bfexplorer are somewhat mixed, there is absolutely no doubt that it is an incredible creation and is light years ahead of my knowledge and comprehesion.I can see that it is slanted towards Tradig the markets. This is an area of .

betting hat i have not. previously undertaken I will watch all the available videos,but i am sure i will require some expert guidance to start me off.

Am pleased to see that the bot executer feature is retained which means that those who have coding knowledge will be able by using the BfexplorerSDK be able to utilise thier own bots. I am unable to code, and have asked Stefan to write a custom bot for me. It transpires that the bots created for the previous versions of Bfexplorer wll not run on the new software.I am sure that given suitable interest that Stefan if asked would give the lowdown on any coding changes required to enable the old bots to re-used  I am looking forward to using BFexplorer once more for my betting.