
Football/Soccer - Automation after a Goal

From Bet Angel forum:

I’m sure there is probably already a thread on this somewhere but I can’t yet find it. Is there a way to trigger automation following a goal?

For example, when a goal is scored insert back/lay bet on a market...

I can’t speculatively leave back/lay bets in markets which will get matched following a goal as the time of goal impacts where the price will move too and therefore impact P/L.


Bfexplorer Solution:

Any automation depending on match time and score can be executed by “Football Bot”.

It is possible to se StartCriteria and StopCriteria as well. When this bot is executed from the match start time, any criteria fulfilling goal scoring can be represented by:

[Goals] > 0

The action bot is set by parameter: BotName, so when StartCriteria are true the action bot is executed and this bot places your bets or starts a trading session.

Let’s say we want to back home team when goal is scored and the winning team is home one. These start criteria are true for formula:

[ScoreDifference] > 1 And [Goals] > 0

And the action bot must place back bet on home team, so the parameter ExecuteOnSelection is set to 1.

I created such three actions bots for: Back home team, Back away team, Back draw

To execute your strategy on all football match odds market, use “Startegy / Bot Executor” tool setting the “Start execution time” to 00:00:00

In my test I open a match in progress with score 2 – 0 for home team, so it is clear that “Football Bot” immediately executed its action bot, because the formula:

“[ScoreDifference] > 1 And [Goals] > 0” has been evaluated as true, in your case you start your bot automatically at official match start time when ScoreDifference is equal 0 and Goals is equal 0.

“Football Bot” can use following parameters for criteria: MatchTime, Score, Goals, ScoreDifference and Status.