From Bet Angel forum: Automation - Can bet angel see this info?
Replies appreciated:
Can bet angel display the breeding of a horse so a automation bot i build recognises the breeding and fires based on my parameters?
Eg: If the horse is Irish bred place lay bet, or
Eg: If the horse is French bred place lay bet, or
Eg: If the horse is English bred place lay bet.

Bfexplorer Solution:
In my previous post I presented how to use horse metadata to execute dutch trading strategy: Horse Racing – Dutch and Green Up Strategy
In this case we use BredCountry metadata, to execute an action bot when the horse bred country is from allowed countries. The bot trigger uses the parameter: AllowedBredCountries (by default GB only), and of course the parameter: BotName that defines the action bot we want to execute.
In my short video I setup the "Execute Trigger Bot" to be executed on the favourite, by parameters: SortSelectionsBy and ExecuteOnSelection.
In the first race, I tested my bot, the favourite was bred in Ireland, and so the action bot has not been executed. On the second race, the favourite was bred in Great Britain, and so the action bot has been executed. In my case the action bot used executed back/lay trading session with 3 ticks’ profit.
Comments ( 1 )
Betfair Bot
When testing this horse racing strategy on today’s races using Bfexplorer Bot Executor tool, the bot trigger the action bot on 4 markets up till now, all trades in profit. The rest of races where the action bot has not been triggered the favourite were bred in Ireland.
Testing this horse racing strategy