
Cant login to Australian Exchange

Hello guys! I cannot login into Australian Exchange. I am asked to prompt activation code which appears automatically on the screen than after pressing on #

activate it says: Failed to activate betfair api subscription. I dont have problems to login into UK exchange. Also until today havent had any problems with

logging into Australian Exchange. My subscription is for sure still valid since I purchased product at the beginning of the year.

Thank you for answers.



Comments ( 3 )

  • Mikus79
    13.1.2016 22:26:14

    OK guys no sweat, everything is working fine. I dont know what was it. I just restarted my computer and bfexplorer few times and now it's fine.

  • Betfair Bot
    13.1.2016 22:54:57

    I have just checked it, login with my brother’s account and all works for me on both exchanges.

    Keep in mind that any betfair api subscription activation process is done on betfair servers. Once your betfair api subscription is activated is active till expires, and all necessary information are stored on betfair servers.

    At the moment you login through api to betfair, your valid login session is used to retrieve any data you can see in bfexplorer app, and for any action you do on befair as well through bfexplorer app, that is clear I hope. If any error message is received by bfexplorer, or any other problem occurs when dealing with betfair api data, it is always a problem with communication through betfair api and betfair servers.

    My authorization service is included only to the activation process when betfair api returns that your subscription expired, or you are a new user, a trial user, at this moment is activated your forum account on this web site as well.

    I do not know what could went wrong with your login, but as bfexplorer displayed subscription dialog I think betfair returned data that you are no active subscriber anymore. In such cases my subscription activation services activates free limited access for bfexplorer (if such user is active on bfexplorer forum, what you are). So that is what probably you noticed, on the other hand my activation service do not generate new subscription code if expiration day is still in future date, so bfexplorer returned your old subscription code, that you tried again activate with a failure, and that is clear.

    No service is 100% reliable, and that is what happened. Betfair api service were out of order for some short period maybe, or there was just some kind of malfunction in your Internet communication with betfair servers.

    I do not think restarting bfexplorer or your computer had anything to do with your problem. Well, if a problem was with the Internet connection, or with your router/modem, so with a physical hardware, then switch on/off a computer or just restarting it could help.

    I will add My Subscription Details menu to User menu on bfexplorer web site, so any user can check his/her subscription status.

  • Betfair Bot
    13.1.2016 23:31:31

    I have just updated web site adding promised link to check subscription details: