Why thisdiscrepancyin the "hedge the entire market"between the twosoftwares?
Comments ( 8 )
Betfair Bot
1.9.2015 12:02:51
The difference in profit balance is because bfexplorer calculates profit balance on all open bet positions and for bet positions there is no offer on one side, it takes the opposite price to offer hedge bet.
On bet positions with offer it takes current offered price to close bet position. The question is now what is better solution?
Is the other app calculating the profit hedge position only on selections you can close? If yes and goal will be scored on selection you have no position open, then you definitely lose, and then what the other app will show as profit balance on the market?
In correct score market you can simply hide selections without any lay offer, so showing only selections with possible outcome, to close bet position use close bet position on selection button as it is nonsense to try to close bet position on selections which are already not possible outcome of the match.
Betfair Bot
1.9.2015 13:13:23
Edurado, did you actually make your math on examples you showed us in the article? I think the other app actually shows wrong market profit balance. It is hardly to see on your pictures what bets you placed and what is actually correct profit balance number.
The profit balance number is meant to be a current profit you can close your bet position on entire market.
For instance if you back 0 - 0 for 10 Euro at 12.5 and 1 - 0 for 10 Euro at 7.8 odds, and later if home team scores and is 1 – 0, it is clear that you lost your bet on 0 – 0, so 10 Euro loss influences outcome on other selections. Bfexplorer shows for 0 – 0 selection profit balance -9.88, well of course unrealistic outcomes but it is still valid if you would manage to close bet position on 0 – 0 by laying 0.13 Euro at 1000 odds.
So losing 10 Euro on 0 – 0 means that you would be able to close your bet position on entire market only when sum of winners on other selections is greater than 10 Euro.
In the above example it means that I would be in profit only when match score is still 1 - 0 and lay for 1 – 0 is lower than 3.9.
Can others trading on football correct score market confirm that fact?
1.9.2015 14:31:59
Thank you very muchforyour video,is quite useful.Your videosare openedmy eyes tothe possibilities of yourApp.
In the marketofCSalwaysclose mytraderesult toresultto avoid problems.
For instance:
You say:
"BFexplorer showsfor0-0selectionbalance-9.88profit, well ofcourseunrealisticoutcomesbutitisstillvalidifyouwouldmanagetoclosepositionbeton0-0bylaying0.13atEuro1000odds."
If I do whatyou indicatelose€ 2, because asthelay betunder 2€, offered€ 2to1000andwould equalwiththetrapoddsof0-0.For that reasononly I dotradingon assetsresults.
Betfair Bot
1.9.2015 14:46:02
Eduardo, you wrote this article and stated your problem saying that bfexplorer shows wrong profit balance number.
So I repeat my question again: Did you actually make your math to check which results are correct, if bfexplorer shows correct number or the other app?
I think the other app shows wrong numbers. Do you understand my question?
1.9.2015 15:58:51
I understand you question. But I did not say that bfexplorer shows wrong profit balance number. I have say: "Why thisdiscrepancyin the "hedge the entire market"between the twosoftwares?"
I'mnot qualified totell you that yourHedgebuttonmiscalculate.
I think it'smore a matterofhabitand knowledgeof trading.
I would never usetheHedgebutton on theCSmarket withagoal scored.
My intentionwas that youwill explainthe differencesto beginners,becauseI understand thembut I havegreat difficultyto express itin English.
Sorry for the misunderstanding
Betfair Bot
1.9.2015 17:01:11
Eduardo, yesterday you sent me email asking me why I deleted images from your article, I replied to you that I did not delete anything, and I asked what you meant by your article, as I can read only the article title.
Today you posted article again with your images as well. You know bfexplorer and you know geektoy app too, because you used it as etalon and compared it bfexplorer.
I explained how bfexplorer calculates market profit balance and that to the calculation are included all open bet positions. In one of your images there are really big discrepancies, so I ask again:
Did you make your own calculation to actually verify which profit balance is correct? Because you blame that bfexplorer shows wrong numbers, and differences are quite huge, bfexplorer shows -5.18 loss and geektoy shows only -0.93 loss.
From what I can say reading your low resolution images is that geektoy is totally wrong, you opened bet position on 0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2, and 2 – 0. On some bets your close your bet position and some bet/s were left only with back bet. The current score, as we can see it on the middle image is 2 – 0, there is lowest back/lay odds on this selection 9.4.
Now explain me for god sake, how is it possible that geektoy shows your current bet position on this market as 0.93 loss only, when all your other bets already lost (0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2) so your bet position on 2 – 0 which was in profit for 2.40 could not cover all your losses on other selections.
I really think that bfexplorer number is correct, all what I ask you to explain what you actually meant by your artcle.
If English is problem for you then why you do not use Spanish, but please write it in correct Spanish without misspelling, so using google/bing translator will give me meaningful translation.
I actually do not care in what language you post here on bfexplorer forum. All I need is to get some feedback on bfexplorer features, and if there are some problems, I can solve them very quickly.
The forum is knowledge base as well, for other bfexplorer users, so next time when some geektoy expert will use bfexplorer and will complain about the same problem, I will know if it is really some issue in bfexplorer or geektoy implementation is totally wrong.
1.9.2015 18:53:07
You say:
"From what I can say reading your low resolution images is that geektoy is totally wrong, you opened bet position on 0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2, and 2 – 0. On some bets your close your bet position and some bet/s were left only with back bet. The current score, as we can see it on the middle image is 2 – 0, there is lowest back/lay odds on this selection 9.4.
Now explain me for god sake, how is it possible that geektoy shows your current bet position on this market as 0.93 loss only, when all your other bets already lost (0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2) so your bet position on 2 – 0 which was in profit for 2.40 could not cover all your losses on other selections."
In the picturethe value of theHedgecorrespondswith the result1-0.Also in thepicture,it does not appearBack2-1,givingbenefit.
I thankyouletmewriteinSpanishright forthat, from the forum,it is easy totranslate.
Yo te agradezco que tú me permitas escribir en correcto español para que, desde el foro, sea fácil traducirlo.
2.9.2015 16:39:28
Amigo Stefan:
You say:
"Just go to your last article Button: "Hedge the entire market". I still have no idea what you wanted to say with this article, and I asked you three times just to confirm one think: Is bfexplorer showing correct profit balance or not?"
I say that Bfexplore show correct profit balance. The other, App also shows proper balance.
The difference is that BFexplorer included in the Hedge button, the balance of all the results with open bet. The other app only shows the balance with active open bets.
But when you push the button Hedge two apps do the same operations, the two try to lay @ 1000. Beware, if the lay is by stake <2, because they'll match your bet @ 1000 (odd trap) and lose 2 €. I recommend always close result to result to avoid surprises.
Hello. Since yesterday I have a delayed API on my BF Explorer trading software. I had no bots running when this happened and now I am also unable to trade as all stakes in the markets keep flashing all over the ladders on random odds, being absolutely impossible to figure out what was the last price ...
I tried BFexplorer, having used 3-4 different software applications beforehand.
The 2 days utilising the software, I managed to get a feel for the product and like the modern display on the black background.
Bets placed were very responsive with no lagging experienced from other products.
A few ...
Version 3.23.1126
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 9.0)
Version 3.22.0821
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version
Version 3.10.0721
Cumulative updates to the Bfexplorer Preview version (.net 8.0)
Version 3.9.0425
Cumulative ...
I'm logged with the Italian account, when clicking on the link to Betfair icon of teh Bet Event window it redirect to the following link
instead of redirecting to the Italian ...
I'm continuously hgettin a script error in the Web Browser window of bfexplorer, URL https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-641XZ3TTGT&cx=c&_slc=1
I downloaded the Bfexplorer from the official download page and it contains only 39 bot strategies. In the forum all people disscuss about a lot of bot strategies ( tennis data to spreadsheet for example), but those aren't included in the site official download. Where is the latest version of ...
Comments ( 8 )
Betfair Bot
The difference in profit balance is because bfexplorer calculates profit balance on all open bet positions and for bet positions there is no offer on one side, it takes the opposite price to offer hedge bet.
On bet positions with offer it takes current offered price to close bet position.
The question is now what is better solution?
Is the other app calculating the profit hedge position only on selections you can close? If yes and goal will be scored on selection you have no position open, then you definitely lose, and then what the other app will show as profit balance on the market?
In correct score market you can simply hide selections without any lay offer, so showing only selections with possible outcome, to close bet position use close bet position on selection button as it is nonsense to try to close bet position on selections which are already not possible outcome of the match.
Betfair Bot
Edurado, did you actually make your math on examples you showed us in the article? I think the other app actually shows wrong market profit balance. It is hardly to see on your pictures what bets you placed and what is actually correct profit balance number.
The profit balance number is meant to be a current profit you can close your bet position on entire market.
For instance if you back 0 - 0 for 10 Euro at 12.5 and 1 - 0 for 10 Euro at 7.8 odds, and later if home team scores and is 1 – 0, it is clear that you lost your bet on 0 – 0, so 10 Euro loss influences outcome on other selections. Bfexplorer shows for 0 – 0 selection profit balance -9.88, well of course unrealistic outcomes but it is still valid if you would manage to close bet position on 0 – 0 by laying 0.13 Euro at 1000 odds.
So losing 10 Euro on 0 – 0 means that you would be able to close your bet position on entire market only when sum of winners on other selections is greater than 10 Euro.
In the above example it means that I would be in profit only when match score is still 1 - 0 and lay for 1 – 0 is lower than 3.9.
Can others trading on football correct score market confirm that fact?
Thank you very much for your video, is quite useful. Your videos are opened my eyes to the possibilities of your App.
In the market of CS always close my trade result to result to avoid problems.
For instance:
You say:
"BFexplorer shows for 0-0 selection balance -9.88 profit, well of course unrealistic outcomes but it is still valid if you would manage to close position bet on 0-0 by laying 0.13 at Euro 1000 odds."
If I do what you indicate lose € 2, because as the lay bet under 2 €, offered € 2 to 1000 and would equal with the trap odds of 0-0. For that reason only I do trading on assets results.
Betfair Bot
Eduardo, you wrote this article and stated your problem saying that bfexplorer shows wrong profit balance number.
So I repeat my question again: Did you actually make your math to check which results are correct, if bfexplorer shows correct number or the other app?
I think the other app shows wrong numbers. Do you understand my question?
I understand you question. But I did not say that bfexplorer shows wrong profit balance number. I have say: "Why this discrepancy in the "hedge the entire market" between the two softwares?"
I'm not qualified to tell you that your Hedge button miscalculate.
I think it's more a matter of habit and knowledge of trading.
I would never use the Hedge button on the CS market with a goal scored.
My intention was that you will explain the differences to beginners, because I understand them but I have great difficulty to express it in English.
Sorry for the misunderstanding
Betfair Bot
Eduardo, yesterday you sent me email asking me why I deleted images from your article, I replied to you that I did not delete anything, and I asked what you meant by your article, as I can read only the article title.
Today you posted article again with your images as well. You know bfexplorer and you know geektoy app too, because you used it as etalon and compared it bfexplorer.
I explained how bfexplorer calculates market profit balance and that to the calculation are included all open bet positions. In one of your images there are really big discrepancies, so I ask again:
Did you make your own calculation to actually verify which profit balance is correct? Because you blame that bfexplorer shows wrong numbers, and differences are quite huge, bfexplorer shows -5.18 loss and geektoy shows only -0.93 loss.
From what I can say reading your low resolution images is that geektoy is totally wrong, you opened bet position on 0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2, and 2 – 0. On some bets your close your bet position and some bet/s were left only with back bet. The current score, as we can see it on the middle image is 2 – 0, there is lowest back/lay odds on this selection 9.4.
Now explain me for god sake, how is it possible that geektoy shows your current bet position on this market as 0.93 loss only, when all your other bets already lost (0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2) so your bet position on 2 – 0 which was in profit for 2.40 could not cover all your losses on other selections.
I really think that bfexplorer number is correct, all what I ask you to explain what you actually meant by your artcle.
If English is problem for you then why you do not use Spanish, but please write it in correct Spanish without misspelling, so using google/bing translator will give me meaningful translation.
I actually do not care in what language you post here on bfexplorer forum. All I need is to get some feedback on bfexplorer features, and if there are some problems, I can solve them very quickly.
The forum is knowledge base as well, for other bfexplorer users, so next time when some geektoy expert will use bfexplorer and will complain about the same problem, I will know if it is really some issue in bfexplorer or geektoy implementation is totally wrong.
You say:
"From what I can say reading your low resolution images is that geektoy is totally wrong, you opened bet position on 0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2, and 2 – 0. On some bets your close your bet position and some bet/s were left only with back bet. The current score, as we can see it on the middle image is 2 – 0, there is lowest back/lay odds on this selection 9.4.
Now explain me for god sake, how is it possible that geektoy shows your current bet position on this market as 0.93 loss only, when all your other bets already lost (0 – 0, 0 – 1, 1 - 0 , 1 – 1, 1 – 2) so your bet position on 2 – 0 which was in profit for 2.40 could not cover all your losses on other selections."
In the picture the value of the Hedge corresponds with the result 1-0. Also in the picture, it does not appear Back 2-1, giving benefit.
I thank you let me write in Spanish right for that, from the forum, it is easy to translate.
Yo te agradezco que tú me permitas escribir en correcto español para que, desde el foro, sea fácil traducirlo.
Amigo Stefan:
You say:
"Just go to your last article Button: "Hedge the entire market". I still have no idea what you wanted to say with this article, and I asked you three times just to confirm one think: Is bfexplorer showing correct profit balance or not?"
I say that Bfexplore show correct profit balance. The other, App also shows proper balance.
The difference is that BFexplorer included in the Hedge button, the balance of all the results with open bet. The other app only shows the balance with active open bets.
But when you push the button Hedge two apps do the same operations, the two try to lay @ 1000. Beware, if the lay is by stake <2, because they'll match your bet @ 1000 (odd trap) and lose 2 €.
I recommend always close result to result to avoid surprises.